
Music Through The Measurement Of Skin Conductance Level ( Scl )

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A highly regarded art form, music aids in defining cultural phenomenon that individuals use to experience, communicate and express emotional states. Music is also known to evoke an emotional response that is associated with physiological arousal (Olsen & Stevens, 2013). Past and present research has defined arousal as an early emotional response. The present study seeks to examine physiological response (anxiety) in response to classical music through the measurement of skin conductance level (SCL). The purpose of this study is to determine if music affects, specifically lowers, the amount of physiological arousal (anxiety) experienced by a participant while listening to classical music. SCL works by passing an electrical current across …show more content…

Those with GAD also experience fatigue, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, irritability, restlessness and edginess (ADAA, 2015). Worry and anxiety are a natural part of everyday life, but for those with GAD, the worry becomes so severe that it impairs their normal functioning. The lifetime prevalence of GAD is 28%, with a mean age of onset at 11 years (Duval et al., 2015). This section will focus on the neurological information of GAD, current research and the effect music has on GAD. Neuroscience. When an anxiety response occurs, objectively unthreatening stimuli becomes threatening (Davidson, 2013). To help cope with stress, the brain releases the hormone cortisol (Bear, Connors & Paradiso, 2007). During the fear and anxiety response, the central nucleus of the amygdala is active; once active, an excitatory response in the hypothalamus occurs (Davidson, 2013). This excitation causes corticotrophin-releasing-hormone (CRH) to be released; CRH then triggers the anterior pituitary gland to secrete ACTH (Davidson, 2013). The ACTH levels in the blood stream cause cortisol to be released from the adrenal cortex and once the levels of cortisol become high, the hippocampus activates, suppressing the release of CRH (Davidson, 2013). The bloodstream carries cortisol to the brain, where it bind to receptors in the cytoplasm of man

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