
Music Therapy Has Been Used For Many Years

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Music Therapy is a branch of therapy where music is used to benefit individuals. Qualified music therapists work with many different types of people and introduce them to music in order to help them. Individuals must go through schooling to become music therapists. Patients create music, sing, and listen to music. Music therapist are professionally trained and are able to use music to help those affected by mental illness, physical pain, and disabilities. Music has many affects on the brain. Music is known to reduce anxiety. Many people use music as an outlet for stress. Also, music has the capability to change a person’s mood. Typically, when people listen to happy music they are put into a better mood. Music therapists use this strategy …show more content…

A music therapist in Michigan by the name of Dr. Ira Altshuler promoted music therapy for 30 years. He started one of the first music therapy practices at Eloise Hospital in Detroit. Willem van de Wall pushed to have music therapy used in state-funded facilities. He also wrote Music in Institutions which was the first book to be written about how music therapy works in detail. “The father of music therapy” is considered to be E. Thayer Gaston because he helped organize institutions and helped educate people on music therapy. (AMTA. "History of Music Therapy." American Music Therapy Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2017.) In order to become a professional music therapist, one must have a bachelor’s degree or higher in music therapy. You must also be Music Therapy - Board Certified to practice professionally. The undergraduate curriculum for music therapy includes studies in music therapy, psychology, music, biological, social, and behavioral sciences, disabilities, and general studies. A music therapist must be able to assess every client they have and decide what section of therapy they need. For example, some clients might do better with singing and playing an instrument while others might benefit more from listening to music. Music therapy is used for managing pain. Patients that have to undergo painful treatments are able to use music therapy to manage the pain. Having music present takes the patient’s mind off of whatever is causing the pain.

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