
Music Should Not Be Cut From Schools Essay

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Music Programs Should Not Be Cut From Schools Elementary schools and high schools across the U.S. have lately suffered from financial strain. Because of this, budget cuts have to be made and music programs often suffer before sports and academics. Although some people believe that music is not a key component in preparing for employment and higher education, yet several others express otherwise, who say music has been shown to stimulate other parts of a student’s mind that can help them excel. Statistics have shown that the correlation between music class and other academia is not only positive for students, but also can improve future scholastic abilities, and thus should not be cut from schools. Through the evaluation of various sources …show more content…

So schools do not fall behind on these requirements, some states such as Vermont and California are compelled to spend up to triple the amount of time on reading and math subjects. The requirements are constantly being raised by other top schools, making it difficult for lower-preforming schools to compete. According to a survey done by the Center on Education Policy, 71 percent of the nation’s 15,000 school districts have severely reduced teaching history, music, foreign language, and other subjects to increase study on reading and math (Dillon).
“Some experts warn that by reducing the academic menu to steak and potatoes, schools risk giving bored teenagers the message that school means repetition and drilling” (Dillon). Thomas Sobol, an education professor at Columbia Teachers College and a former New York State education commissioner said, “Only two subjects? What a sadness. That’s like a violin student who’s only permitted to play scales, nothing else, day after day, scales, scales, scales. They’d lose their zest for music” (Dillon). In high school, learning strictly two subjects could negatively affect students. It is important to incorporate a well-rounded academic program to properly prepare a student for the “real world”. Each subject should be touched on in order to benefit the various futures every individual will have. Also, a student could become easily apathetic about school with constant repetitive

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