
Music Can Reduce Blood Pressure

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Title: Music can reduce blood pressure, depending on tempo
Author & Date Published: Linda Brookes. 2005
Available on: Medscape- Multispeaciality .2005. Music can reduce blood pressure, depending on tempo. Linda Brookes.
<> (Date of access: 19 May 2016)
In the United Kingdom, studies have been compiled to prove whether the tempo of music will have an effect on your blood pressure, with task performance or none. With the compiled studies Linda Brookes states that listening to music that is fast will increase the blood pressure meaning ones heart rate will rise, where as slower music will do completely the opposite of what fast music does. Within the study the subjects were to listen to 6 different songs at different tempos and it concluded that with simple rhythmic structures, and fast tempo there will be an increase in ventilation and breathing rate, meaning as more oxygen goes to the heart the heart rate will increase, whilst with slower music there’ll be a drop in heart rate or the heart rate won’t go up as much as it did the faster music.
The source provides the effects of how fast and slow music affect the blood pressure. It is focusing on the speed of the song which is the same as the tempo. Though it does not directly state that the tempo will be affected but that the blood pressure which could lead to various of things that can take place within the body. Not stating

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