1- According to the data of measuring EMG activity from antagonistic muscle, anterior muscles were more active during flexion than posterior muscles. Also, muscles were more activated when the hand is closed as opposed to open. Muscle flexion without a weight requires more force; however, muscle extension with a weight requires more force. Moreover, the muscle active increase in the heteronymous muscle during relaxation, which add stabilization and control to the movement. Doing the same experiment while a subject is running will increase the muscles force.
2- The data of measuring EMG and time of the reflexes shows that Achilles conduction time is much faster than patella because of myelinated axons and brain inhibition. Also, hard tap
Using electrodes on the bicep to record the motor unit recruitment during all four conditions: control, stretching, cardio, and aerobic stretching. As shown in figure 5, the control group and the stretching are similar in the amount of EMG amplitude (mV). However, when comparing stretching with both cardio and aerobic stretching there is an increase as the intensity of the warm-up. Moreover, aerobic stretching has the highest EMG amplitude, which shows that there is motor unit cycling. Motor cycling provides a more efficient performance on the bicep because more of the muscle is being used (Widmaier, et al.,
The EMG signal that is observed through the placement of electrodes on the skin is closely coupled with the generation of muscle force. In normal conditions, the force-EMG relationship is either linear or the increase in EMG at low force levels is less than proportional (Semmler 2014). However, a different force-EMG relationship was observed following eccentric exercise,
The purpose of this lab was to better understand the human body by doing various activities and observing the three different muscle types. The activities were not conducted in order, but we did follow the instructions of each activity. However, there could be deviation since Vivian had allergies and I was sort of sick as well so our result may not be as accurate. By conduction the activities, we were able to analyze the different receptors in the skin and sense—for instance understanding the differences in receptors or taste and smell. Also, we were able to differentiate the three muscle types and observe the striation of the cardiac and skeletal muscle—and observe other differences in muscle types. By noticing that, for instance the tongue has different regions for different taste, we were able to infer that some taste are more important to distinguish than others. Also, by observing the different types of muscle, we were able to discuss the different functions and why the cardiac and skeletal muscle have striation. Lastly, it is important to understand the human body, not
Review Sheet Results 1. Describe how increasing the stimulus frequency affected the force developed by the isolated whole skeletal muscle in this activity. How well did the results compare with your prediction? Your answer: When the stimulus frequency was at the lowest the force was at its lowest level out of all of the experiments. As the stimulus frequency was increased to 130, s/s the force increased slightly but fused tetanus developed at the higher frequency. When the stimulus frequency was increased to the amounts of 146-150 s/s, the force reached a plateau and maximal tetanic tension occurred, where no further increases in force occur from additional stimulus frequency. 2. Indicate what type of force was developed by the isolated skeletal muscle in this activity at the following stimulus frequencies: at 50 stimuli/sec, at 140 stimuli/sec, and above 146 stimuli/sec. Your answer: At 50- Unfused
Determine who is the subject the person exercising and the experimenters and the person taking and recording the data the experimenters will take the subject standing heart rate temperature and breathing rate as well as make observation on the subject color and perspiration heart rate are obtained by taking the radial pulse or carotid pulse for 10 seconds convert all your heart rate to beats per minute by multiplying by 6 and record
A) CURRENT STATE OF KNOWLEDGE Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and extracellular matrix (ECM): Blood vessels, include arteries that transport blood from the heart to the systemic circulation, and veins that transport blood back again into the heart. A remarkable change in blood vessel structure and function happened, with the emergence of a high-pressure, pulsatile circulatory system in vertebrates. Blood vessels then evolved from simple tubes for channeling blood or other body fluids from a low-pressure heart. According to their sizes and structures, arteries can be subdivided into four categories: large elastic arteries, medium-sized muscular arteries, small arteries (s Law, the larger the aortic diameter, the larger the wall tension
The current study used symmetry index as an indicator of coordination but no differences were found between the conditions. Another measure of coordination has been seen in research using electromyography (EMG) and it has been shown that external AF cues lead to efficient muscular contraction and better motor control performance. For example, Zachery et al. had participants shooting free-throw tasks under both internal and external AF conditions. EMG activity was measured from the biceps and triceps of the shooting arm. Their results demonstrated that with external focus shots were more accurate and EMG activity was lower with biceps and triceps19. In another study, Wulf et al. had participants complete the vertical jump-and-reach task and measured their jump height and EMG activity of lower-limb musculature. Their findings showed participants jumped higher and had EMG activity generally lower when focusing attention externally compared to focusing attention internally20. Lastly, Marchant et al. had participants complete isokinetic elbow flexion contractions using a Biodex. Authors reported a net joint torque at the elbow was larger and the EMG activity of the bicep brachii was decreased under external AF conditions 21. None of the studies above measured force production but claim enhanced neuromuscular control allowed for greater force generation. Therefore, when directing attention externally during max force generation tasks, muscle coordination patterns are optimized producing more efficient and effective
higher the hertz, the more cycles the sound wave goes through a second. The higher the
Compared with systolic pressure, diastolic pressure has a rather mild increase when intensity of exercise increases.
Next let's measure the amount of flexion or bending of the elbow. Position the patient in the correct position to measure this motion. Now place the goniometer on the patient so the axis or center of the goniometer is in the correct position to measure elbow flexion, remember this motion is when the patient bends the elbow bringing the palm towards the
They tested whether the addition of low-dose antioxidants influences the growth, quality, and genomic stability of induced pluripotent Stem cells (iPS cells). They found that the iPS cells grew well and ‘‘stemness’’ was preserved up to 2 months with the addition of low-dose antioxidant. However, the addition of low-dose antioxidants lowered the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels in iPS cells, it did not influence the expression of 53BP1 and ATM (two molecules involved in DNA damage and repair .Moreover, CGH analysis showed that the levels of genetic aberrations were lowered only by the supplements
Electromyography (EMG) is a way of measuring muscle electrical activity and use it in medical diagnoses which refers to muscle performance. The electric activity generated during muscle activation, known as the myoelectric signal, is generated from small electrical currents generated by the exchange of ions across the muscle membranes and detected with the help of surface electrodes [1].
The length of the biceps muscle changes with the angle. Muscle has a minimum length to which it can be contracted and a maximum length to which it can be stretched and still function. At these two extremes, the force the muscle can exert is much smaller. At some point in between, the muscle produces its maximum force. If the biceps pulls vertically (which is an approximation), the angle of the forearm does not affect the force required; but it does affect the length of the biceps muscle, which in turn affects the ability of the muscle to provide the needed
One subject was used, and was seated in the same position for each of the three tests performed. Because the patellar reflex is immediate, a video was taken during each tap with the hammer to visually compare the strength differences for each influence that was put into effect. This provided a steady, unwavering result with the option of repeated viewing for the conclusion of the experiment. After all three stages of the experiment were completed, the videos were reviewed for comparison between the baseline reflex and the three changing factors, along with any discrepancies and problematic areas that may have altered the results. The strength of the reflex was recorded as either equal to, more vigorous than, or less vigorous than the baseline reflex and the results were put into a simple chart.
Introduction: Exercise is a physical activity or particular movement that is used in order to become healthier and stronger. (1) Exercise, in all of its forms, has various effects on the different systems in the human body. One of the main benefits is cardiovascular health, including circulation and heart health. Exercise uses a lot of energy, which the cells derive from oxidising glucose. Meaning that the heart has to work harder to pump more blood throughout the body and the heart has to beat faster in order to achieve a high effort. (2) The heart benefits from exercise include being able to pump more blood through the body and continue working at a higher level with less strain. (3)