
Multitasking Research Papers

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No one is really ever multitasking, you only think that you are, which is not really helping you. On average teenager between 13 and 18 us more than six type of media simultaneously. Most teens use social media because they fear missing out on something important. This has led to many students paying an attention partially to everything they do, which causes them to have trouble concentrating on anything deeply. A person’s brain cannot be in two places at one time. One cannot do two things at one time, it will just take longer to try to multitask. When a person tries to do more than one thing at a time, the brain is faced with a choice. The decision made causes a delayed second to choose which one you’re going to do. (Sparks) Now that I further understand that multitasking is nothing more than switching my attention from one thing to the other. I use multitasking when I'm at work or at least I thought I was using multi-tasking. When I'm at work you have to service customer and less than 30 seconds every time. This doesn’t always happen. Usually, when someone calls something back to me I'm currently working on making pepperoni pizzas because we are constantly putting them in the oven. So when this happens I switch to making the customers …show more content…

Eisenhower believes that the urgent is not important and the important is never urgent. The greatest part of good time management is being effective and efficient. Eisenhower says that “we must spend our time on things that are important and not just the ones that are urgent. To do this, and to minimize the stress of having too many tight deadlines, we need to understand this distinction.” The important things usually help us meet our professional and personal goals. Urgent things are usually something that helps other people meet their goals. (“Eisenhower’s Urgent/ Important

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