
Multicultural Perspectives

Decent Essays

Introduction Three therapists: Alfred Adler, Albert Ellis and William Glasser, and the theories they developed will be presented in the following paper. A brief introduction of each theorist will be given, as well as a look at each individual theory along with methods, techniques or strategies that can be used with each approach. Attention will be given to show how school counselors can apply these theories in schools, in both individual and group counseling. Advantages and disadvantages will both be discussed.
Multicultural Perspectives Alfred Adler was ahead of the curve when it came to multicultural counseling. He addressed social equality before it came to the forefront of the progress or before being politically correct was a buzzword. While called individual psychology Adlerians focus on the person and this includes the social context for the individual. The Alderian approach is very flexible in the techniques that can be applied while helping student examine their problems. Ellis and the cognitive behavioral therapist have an approach that works very well with culturally diverse groups. It does not question goals or values that the students may have, just their inflexible demands of what should, must or ought to be. Glasser’s Reality …show more content…

Adler compensated for his physical limitation partly because he felt inferior to his brothers and peers. Adler was a poor student. His teachers suggested that Adler’s family prepare him to be a shoemaker. Adler was determined to be more, so with great effort and perseverance, Adler rose to the top of his class and continued on to study medicine at the University of Vienna. These early childhood experiences had an impact on the formation of his theory. He had passion and concern for the common person and was outspoken about child-rearing practices, school reforms and prejudices that resulted in conflict (Corey

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