
Much Ado About Nothing Women Quotes

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Women have always been subjected to sexism throughout history and especially in the Shakespearean era. Much Ado About Nothing is a romantic comedy written by William Shakespeare and showcases a story about two people once divided by their past finally ending their hatred for one another and begin to fall in love for each other. It is a tale that shows how evil cannot destroy the love between two people. In this play, the reputation of a woman named Hero is at stake after being accused of disloyalty to her soon-to-be husband, Claudio. In Much Ado About Nothing, the important lesson of this play is how women must have a good reputation during this time period. Women during this age were not treated equally as men were treated because women’s …show more content…

For instance, after being humiliated at her wedding, Hero is berated by her father Leonato for being accused of infidelity by Claudio. He shouts to her “O Fate, take not away thy heavy hand. Death is the fairest cover for her shame…” (4.1.121-123). In this quote, Leonato tells Hero the best punishment for being disloyal to Claudio is if she were to die. This quote supports how a woman’s reputation is everything because in, the beginning, Leonato was very loving and supported her marriage with Claudio. But right after she was denounced as disloyal, his feelings towards her completely change and he lashes out at Hero. It is extremely drastic for a parent to wish death upon their own child ad proves the importance of a woman’s …show more content…

In Act Four, Friar tells Leonato of a plan for Hero to win back Claudio’s affection. Friar tells Leonato to “publish she is dead indeed” which will “change slander to remorse” (4.1.214-221). In this quote, Friar advises Leonato that if Hero pretends to die after being humiliated by Claudio and he spreads the news, people’s feelings for her might change from hatred to repentance. This shows how a woman’s reputation is everything because Hero is extremely desperate that it forces her to endure great lengths to gain a man’s affection back and also her reputation as well. It shows how reputation can influence people’s actions. Without a good reputation, it can also ruin futures. In Act Two, Don John and Borachio secretly discuss a plan to ruin Claudio’s and Hero’s wedding. Borachio tells Don John that the “truth of Hero’s disloyalty” will make Claudio angry and “all the preparation” for the wedding will be “overthrown” (2.2.48-49). During this time, if women were found or said to be unfaithful, it could be extremely damaging to their future. Don John and Borachio devised this plan because they knew the trouble Hero would face because if this rumor and her wedding will be

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