
Mt. Everest Failure

Decent Essays

Throughout a lifetime, each and every individual experiences bumps in his or her road, which is apart of life. Some pebbles, some boulders, but for others it may seem as if Mount Everest is standing in their way. Certain people may even feel as if they're entering an abyss, climbing down rather than up, but let's not get sidetracked. All human beings have failed in one way or another, which is a part of life, and this has helped shape them into who they are in the world.

I was six years old when my parents got divorced. Of course, you're probably telling yourself, "she doesn't remember anything," but here's the catch: I do. I remember pulling into the driveway of my home on that warm summer day, not suspecting anything at all. My mother held my hand and slowly, but surely, the words rolled off her lips. “Your father and I are getting divorced.” Being an only child, my wrinkly Chinese Shar-Pei and two cats kept me company, so I can only imagine how my parents felt tearing apart our little family. Little did they know, ten years later, I have …show more content…

None of them would bother to turn on their GPS, rather just turn to me. It even became the joke throughout my softball team that I knew my way around so much. This is solely because I did more than just stay in the little bubble they call a town, I've covered more miles in my childhood than they will by age thirty.

Failure can turn out to be positive in the long run, because if my parents never got divorced and I was trapped in that little bubble, I'm sure I would still be asking Siri how to get to my friend’s house. Although the love between my parents failed, I was assured every day that their love for me was endless and from the bottom of their heart. By seeing the good in both of my parents, my potentially sad story did a 180. At least I know I won't be getting lost anytime

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