
Ms. Maudie

Decent Essays

A scene that should have been included in the movie version of to Kill a Mockingbird is the scene in which Ms. Maudie’s house catches on fire. In this scene, Scout and Jem wake up to see that Ms. Maudie’s house had caught on fire, with fire trucks roaring and neighbors helping out one another. In this time of ruckus, a blanket was draped over the shivering Scout, by the unbeknownst Boo Radley. The reason why this scene is so important to the movie is that you are introduced to Boo Radley and you also get a better idea of Ms. Maudie’s character and her reactions to tough situations. Prior to the fire, the children had no idea of who Boo Radley was, only what they heard from other people in their small-knit town of Maycomb County. Jem and Scout …show more content…

But with the addition of this scene, the children realize that Boo isn’t a terrible person and that his sense of character may be kind because he gave Scout a blanket when she was shivering out in the cold watching the fire unfold in front of her. Another reason why this scene is important is we have a better knowledge of Ms. Maudie’s personality. In reaction to Ms. Maudie’s home burned down, she stayed rather pleasant and stated that she was glad her home burned down because she had always, “ Hated the cow barn and was glad the fire burned it down because she had always wanted an excuse to get rid of it” ( Lee 97). Ms. Maudie’s comment was surprising because normally if your house burned down you would be furious and mad, but Ms. Maudie was grateful for the fire and the added effects that went along with it. The reason why this scene was so important though, was because we found the scene that Ms. Maudie was an optimist, which is a characteristic Jem and Scout had never seen, but which represents Ms. Maudie as a person and shows who she is, and her beliefs and morals in life, which is to stay

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