
Ms. Mair Trump Campaign Analysis

Decent Essays

No doubt remains regarding Ms. Mair’s hostile feelings towards the Trump campaign, and the impact he will have on American politics if he wins. As in all opinion articles, the reader must consider the source of information, and what that source has to gain or lose from the message they are trying to convey. In this article Ms. Mair is the source of information, and her entire political career has been within the establishment of the Republican Party, including her position as the online communications director of the Republican National Community. Currently, Ms. Mair is working as strategist for the Republican super PAC, “Make America Awesome”. This is one of the super PACs trying to prevent Mr. Trump from receiving the Republican presidential …show more content…

Mair’s article that supports her argument that the ugliness of the Republican campaign is all Mr. Trump’s fault. The first, which is clear to anyone who follows the news, is Ms. Mair’s claim that states “the media has not been calling a foul against Mr. Trump” (Mair 2016). If anything the media has over covered Mr. Trump campaign to the point people have become desensitized to Mr. Trump and all the crazy things he has said. It has been the media that has consistently reported how polarizing and the “tone” of Trump’s campaign. Another flaw is Ms. Mair’s failure to go into greater detail about her super PAC. Merely stating it is all Mr. Trump’s fault and blaming everything on him isn’t enough. There is another reason for Ms. Mair’s article and the reason is Ms. Mair’s super PAC and it stands to lose if any outsider to the Republican establishment wins the nomination. Finally and the most obvious flaw to Ms. Mair’s article is history, elections in our country have always been brutal and ugly, some more ugly than others. The major difference in the elections of the modern era is the twenty-four hour media cycle, everything is heard, and everything is reported and depending on that media outlets motives what is reported is often exaggerated. Ms. Mair fails to grasp is many of the people that support Mr. Trump view the modern media be it politically leaning to the left or right media being just as dishonest as the political establishment they report …show more content…

Mair’s best argument in her article as to why Americans should oppose Mr. Trump when she gives the few examples of some of the views Mr. Trump has on certain policies. I found her use of giving actual examples of Mr. Trump’s views more effective than crying foul and saying the “political tone and everything else is all Mr. Trumps fault” (Mair 2016). Ms. Mair’s successfully uses her aggressive strategy as an experienced communications professional to bolster the concerns that many Americans justifiably have about Mr. Trump and to make her case overall. Where she fails, does not understand the underling movement that many American want a change, not some “hope and change” but a “real change” in the political system for better or

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