
Mrs Dubose Conflict

Decent Essays

As individuals judge and criticize things, they come to a realization that those actions can have an effect. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses literary elements in order to develop the theme with Mrs. Dubose. Conflict, character, and symbolism develops the theme that criticizing others can have consequence.
Harper Lee uses the literary element conflict between the children and Mrs. Dubose. The conflict of Mrs. Dubose and the children represent the theme as a single problem. “Except for her remarks about Atticus, Mrs. Dubose’s attack was only routine,” (136). In this quote scout is talking about how Mrs. Dubose creates the tension between the children and her. From this quote the tone is annoyance because of the daily commentary Mrs. Dubose gives Scout and Jem. Those constant remarks helps develop the theme because Mrs. Dubose is the criticizing part of it. “Jem stiffened. Mrs. Dubose’s shot had gone home and …show more content…

Dubose. She represents racism which is the main point in the book To Kill a Mockingbird, “‘ Your fathers no better than the niggers and trash he works for!’” (135). Here Mrs. Dubose officially describes her ways of thinking. She believes that black people are nothing and that they worthless. She uses strong diction in order to describe her perspective of Atticus and his work. Through her and her symbolism Jem and Scout learn about racism. Racism is a cruel thing and affects the people who encounter it. “ I had become almost accustomed to hearing insults aimed at Atticus,” (136). Scout has become used to the remarks given about Atticus and their family. Although the children are used to it that does not mean they aren’t annoyed by it. Many people took racism as a way of life whereas the Finches saw it as an injustice. Just like this quote, eventually Jem could not handle Mrs. Dubose and destroyed her garden. He did something about what he viewed as an injustice by Mrs.

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