
Mr. Hoodhood Quotes

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The word, robot, is defined as “a person who acts and responds in a mechanical, routine manner”, ( In the beginning of Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt, Mr. Hoodhood acted like a robot who showed people that he only cares about himself, but later on in the book he showed that he loves Heather and cares about Holling and has blood running through his veins. Mr. Hoodhood showed that his business is more important to him than his kids when he got mad at Holling because Holling said “ Dad, Mrs. Baker hates my guts.” (page )and Mrs. Baker is a part of the family who owns “Baker Sporting Emporium.” and they are about to choose a new architect.”People don't hate your guts until you do something to them. So what …show more content…

“ You can learn all sorts of valuable information without going to Columbia University, said my father.” Mr. Hoodhood said that because he loves Heather and he doesn’t want her to leave. Mr. Hoodhood doesn't agree with a lot of the thing heather says or does. “‘Bobby Kennedy?’ said my father again. ‘Bobby Kennedy is a rich kid from Cape Cod who’s never done anything on his own his whole life.’” ( ) Mr. Hoodhood loves Holling too but he’s trying to control his life. He’s forcing Holling to take over The Hoodhood and associates business. Holling stood up to his father telling him that you Don’t become a man by becoming an architect. “My father straitened, that’ exactly how you become a man he said. You get a good Job, and provide for your family. You hang on and play for keeps that’s how it works.” and Mr. Hoodhood doesn't understand that Holling wants to choose stuff for himself and he Doesn't want anybody telling him what to do in his life. Mr. Hoodhood got cocky when Holling wanted to go on a date with Merryl Lee. He told Holling that he wanted to go on a Date with Merryl Lee, he’d better do it fast. “If Hoodhood and associates gets the Junior

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