
Mr Guilbeaux Errors

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The above named resident was spoken to as it relates to her grievance filed reporting that Mr. Guilbeaux (Post-D Youth Supervisor) stated to her that she “is always talking, shut up and do your work”. Additionally, the youth expressed that in the past Mr. Guilbeaux has directed curse words at her (e.g. telling youth to “shut the fuck up”) and “put her down” verbally. Upon my investigation, the allegation of a verbal misconduct by Mr. Guilbeaux towards the youth was found to be unsubstantiated. Mr. Guilbeaux stated that in the classroom area, he never told the youth to shut up, but did redirect her to discontinue talking. The educational staff present in the classroom reported that she did hear Mr. Guilbeaux redirect the youth for talking, however could not recall the exact words used. During the investigation, Mr. Guilbeaux denied that at any time has he ever directed profanity directed towards the youth. Mr. Guilbeaux did admit to this writer, of cursing out of frustration during a separate situation when redirecting Kiah’s behavior, however expressed that the curse word was not directed towards the youth. Mr. Guilbeaux provided the example where Kiah was having issues following the directions given to her by unit and educational staff and after multiple redirections; out of frustration he stated the word, “Damn” to himself. …show more content…

Guilbeaux also included corrective measures to be initiated when dealing with all youth under his direct supervision here at Chesterfield Juvenile Detention. The following were discussed: 1. At no time should profanity or curse words be used while in the presence of any resident of CJDH. 2. Due to safety and security in a secure facility, always remove yourself from the situation if the youth’s behavior has arisen to the level which you cannot handle in accordance to the CJDH policy. 3. Proper role modeling 4. The treatment of residents as well as staff is expected to be done professionally and

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