
Mr. Blanchard's Reality

Decent Essays

Throughout 7th grade, I heard rumors about Mr. Blanchard, one of the 8th grade history teachers: He was a tyrant in the classroom; everything had to be his way. Though I welcomed the challenge, a part of me expected my experience with the notorious teacher to be a middle school nightmare. It was the first day of school and a fresh start to a new experience. Grabbing my supplies, I looked at my schedule. Dread dawned on me--I had Mr. Blanchard first period. “Most of you have heard, ‘Mr. Blanchard is scary.’ Is that true?” Mr. Blanchard asked.
Everyone exchanged nervous glances.
“What is truth?” he prompted.
“It’s reality,” a student replied. “What’s ‘real’?” This question stumped everyone. “‘Real’ is based on facts and experiences. Traditions and literature are examples of ‘real’,” Mr. Blanchard asserted. He paused, scanning the room with his eyes. “What are rumors?” I raised my hand.
“They’re lies.” He nodded, “Rumors are stories based on lies. Was there truth in what the 8th graders told you? No!” Eventually, the effects of the rumors started to fade, but my desire to understand the harm caused by preconceived ideas grew. Preconceived ideas in the form of a stereotype also affected another student my age. Ahmed Mohamed, a Muslim, built a clock to impress his teacher but was arrested …show more content…

Blanchard challenged me to rethink “real.” I do this by being an active member in class, engaging in discussions about preconceived ideas from our history. I constantly challenge myself to break them down when needed so that I don’t make the mistake of Ahmed’s teacher or the Korean girls. I believe that if we are responsible in our actions, then we can make future history more responsibly and have less stereotypes marking our future history. Meanwhile, for now, the “real” I can control is better understanding who I am and constantly engaging myself to be my best self. In doing so, I hope to help set a better future history. Thank you Mr.

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