
Mr Blacktown City Council : The Population Of 43374 ( 2011 Census ) Essay

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Dear Blacktown City Council
With the population of 43,374 (2011 census) and growth rate increasing (average annual rate of 2.2%), Blacktown City is recognised to be the largest and one of the fastest growing in any Local Government Area in NSW. Anticipated to reach 500, 000 by the year 2031 from factors of urban sprawl, birth and migrants, the struggle to uphold Blacktown’s liveability is a crucial aspect in the demands of the futures security of individuals and the general publics ‘contentment which is also significant to sustain the expanding population. Effective management strategies that manage issues in relation to economics, environments and social aspects that ensure the advancements of economic prosperity, social stability, educational opportunities, cultural, entertainment and recreation possibilities must be put to plan so no consequences arise with the suspected increase of the population and managing urban sprawl.
Blacktown’s economic competitiveness is vulnerable by an inadequate supply of knowledge-intensive industries and also a supply of the required labour in the local government areas. This is evident in a record of statistical data relating to the number of people in Blacktown employed in management and professional occupation. In comparison to Blacktown to the rest of Sydney, it is conveyed that Blacktown city is significantly less by reading the analysis of the employment status of people aged 18 to 24 years (as a percentage of the labour force) in

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