
Mozart Research Paper

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a composer who lived in the 18th century. Many of his compositions are still known today.
Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria to his parents, Leopold and Anna Maria Mozart. Mozart was born at 8 o'clock at night.
A day after Mozart was born, he was baptized at St. Ruperts Cathedral. The Mozart family was very religious, and they were Roman Catholic.
Mozart was one of seven children, but only him and his sister Anna Maria, commonly known as Nannerl, survived through infancy. The 5 other children died between 1749 and 1754.
During Mozart's lifetime, he lived through only one war. While Mozart was alive, the French and Indian war (1756-1763) was being fought in America. The war did not personally affect Mozart. …show more content…

He educated them in math, reading, writing, classic literature, science, and above all, music. Leopold started teaching Nannerl keyboard when she was seven, and Wolfgang was only a toddler. He learned piano by imitating Nannerl.
Although Leopold was known for his children, Mozart's father was actually very musical himself. He was the fourth chair violinist in the musical establishment of Count Leopold Anton von Firmian, the ruling Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg. He also taught and composed violin and piano. Leopold was born November 14, 1719, and died May 28, 1787, at the age of 68.
At the age of five, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart performed for the first time in public. He was allowed to take part in a musical comedy for Saint's Day of Prince-archbishop of Salzburg.
Wolfgang and Nannerl's first tour was to Munich, Germany. During their trip, the prodigies performed for Maximilian III Joseph, Prince Elector of Bavaria. The first tour lasted three weeks.
Also in 1762, the Mozart family took a trip to Vienna where Nannerl and Wolfgang performed for Empress Maria Theresa at the Imperial …show more content…

This piece was called, Symphony No. 1, and was written in E major.
After the Mozart family got home from their long tour, they left again after only nine months. They went to Vienna, where they stayed for 15 months. While there, Mozart wrote a one-act singspiel, which is an opera in German. This singspiel was called Bastien und Bastienne, and it was given privately.
Mozart's first opera buffa debuted when he was only 12. La Finta Semplice's first performance was at the Archbishop's Palace in Salzburg, Austria.
Mozart took three tours to Italy in his lifetime. He visited all the major cities, including Milan, Bologna, Rome, Naples, and Venice. During his tour, he received multiple awards, including an honor from the Pope.
Mitridate, re di Ponto was Mozart's first opera seria. This opera was performed in three acts, and a great success in Milan. Mitridate, re di Ponto was performed 21 times, and Mozart was only 14 at the time.
The Elector of Bavaria asked Mozart and librettist Giambattista Varesco to create an opera for a court carnival in 1781. The pair agreed, and they co-wrote

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