
Moving Out: A Short Story

Decent Essays

My heart sunk as Trevor told me, “I’m moving out.”
My eyes could not focus on what was now my reality. All I could smell was the beer spilled on the carpet and the marijuana smoke stuck on his clothing. I could not grasp any words to explain to him how I was feeling other than a simple “okay.” Once he left my room, I burst into tears like the consistent rainfall in Houston.
Previously, there had been a night when my brother, Trevor, never came home. My mother and I received a call in the morning from a police officer asking us to pick Trevor up from the downtown “drunk house.” I thought after this scare he may have jolted back to reality, but he persisted.
My mother woke to the blaring of the television, only to find Trevor on the couch …show more content…

He was my best friend; the person I went to for everything.
I never accepted the fact he would move out, and I was right. Trevor’s perspective shifted and he agreed to give the wilderness program a chance. I was proud of him for accepting the help, however, deep down I knew he had been to rehab before and upon his return home, he sank back into addiction. I had to ask, would this new program actually help him?
I was completely distracted the morning he left. I gave him a quick hug and next thing I knew I was in the car heading to school. It was all a dream. All day my mind wondered, where exactly he was, was he safe, and was he okay? As I came home from school, expecting to see my brother intensely playing video games on the couch, I was greeted only by my little dog. After weeks of not knowing, I finally saw the first picture of Trevor on the wilderness program website. His eyes were as blue as the Maldives water. I finally had assurance that he truly was doing just fine. This feeling did not last, however. Soon my anxiety resurfaced and I needed something else to assure me of his safety. When I received my first letter from my brother and saw his words, “I am alright,” I finally acknowledged that he was on the right

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