
Movie Analysis : Vertigo ( 1958 ) Film Analysis

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Vertigo (1958) Film Analysis

1.) What does this movie reveal about politics and/or society of the 1950s? Be specific.
Watching this film, there seemed to be a conflict on how to handle people who may be insane, which wavered between the authority of doctors and policemen. Psychology was still a relatively new study of science, and many people were still skeptical on its ability to handle a particular condition. When Gavin Elster asks John Ferguson, a retired detective, to follow his wife, whom he thinks has been possessed by a long-dead ancestor named Carlotta, John tells him to take her to see a professional in psychology, but Gavin says he wants “to know more before committing her to that kind of care.”
Later in the film after Madeleine has committed suicide by jumping off the bell tower at Mission San Juan Bautista, there is a Coroner’s Inquest in session regarding the causes of Madeleine’s death. The Coroner, in his speech, ridicules Gavin Elster for not having put his wife in an institution “where her mental health would have been in the hands of qualified specialists,” although he doesn’t blame Gavin because he took the precaution to protect his wife by hiring John. Similarly, he points out that “it is a pity that knowing her [Madeleine’s] suicidal tendencies he [John] did not make a greater effort” to protect her from herself because of his own acrophobic weakness. It is clear that more than one of the characters in this film are hindered by their own psychosis,

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