
Motivational Leadership

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Motivational leadership is the second short-term SMART goal I would like to improve. In the continuously changing food industry, it is essential to have motivational leadership skills. Many obstacles and challenges arise in the food industry and having the ability to motivate a team to look at these changes as positive transformations take special skills. Especially working with individuals who do not handle change well. I will start my development of this skill by making weekly deposits of encouragement with the people I work with. I will set aside 15 minutes each Monday morning to recap the highlights of the previous week to give positive feedback. With this recap, I will set clear objectives for the current week to provide opportunities for success, which in turn, will motivate people when tasks are accomplished. …show more content…

The team will see that they have a higher purpose to their daily tasks resulting in improved synergy working toward common goals. People have an increased sense of ownership and pride in their work when goals are written out and noticed. Setting deadlines on the goals throughout the week will help people prioritize and not get overwhelmed at the end of the week. Improving my motivational leadership skills will influence each individual to attribute to the success of the team. Motivational leadership is linked to situational leadership development by improving my influencing skills with each individual. To be a motivational leader, I will first have to understand each employee and how they handle situations. Giving them a sense of success and pride for the betterment of the department and organization will increase the effectiveness of each individual. As a result of achieving this goal, I would like to accomplish a more motivated team that is excited to work toward the success of the organization and making sure they have a clear understanding of how they fit into that

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