Motivational leadership is the second short-term SMART goal I would like to improve. In the continuously changing food industry, it is essential to have motivational leadership skills. Many obstacles and challenges arise in the food industry and having the ability to motivate a team to look at these changes as positive transformations take special skills. Especially working with individuals who do not handle change well. I will start my development of this skill by making weekly deposits of encouragement with the people I work with. I will set aside 15 minutes each Monday morning to recap the highlights of the previous week to give positive feedback. With this recap, I will set clear objectives for the current week to provide opportunities for success, which in turn, will motivate people when tasks are accomplished. …show more content…
The team will see that they have a higher purpose to their daily tasks resulting in improved synergy working toward common goals. People have an increased sense of ownership and pride in their work when goals are written out and noticed. Setting deadlines on the goals throughout the week will help people prioritize and not get overwhelmed at the end of the week. Improving my motivational leadership skills will influence each individual to attribute to the success of the team. Motivational leadership is linked to situational leadership development by improving my influencing skills with each individual. To be a motivational leader, I will first have to understand each employee and how they handle situations. Giving them a sense of success and pride for the betterment of the department and organization will increase the effectiveness of each individual. As a result of achieving this goal, I would like to accomplish a more motivated team that is excited to work toward the success of the organization and making sure they have a clear understanding of how they fit into that
On November 29, 2016, the Michigan Association of Community Mental Health Boards hosted the quarterly Self-Determination Leadership seminar. The topics that were addressed during this seminar included: Strategies Resolving Conflicts in the Person-Centers Planning Process, Using Supports Brokerage Service, Home Help Update, and MDHHS Updates. Ellen Sugrue Hyman spoke on the conflicts of interest relating to the HCBS Rule and Person Centered Planning (PCP) process. Ms. Hyman discussed the purpose of the PCP process and stressing the importance that the individual served voice should be heard and documented in their own words.
Extensive experience within effective motivation of personnel to advanced levels of performance, productivity and professionalism, successfully structuring highly dynamic and focused teams.
Teamwork presents diverse approaches and solutions to tasks and problems within an organization. It is an effective method to ensure that an organization’s tasks are handled and effectively and in a timely manner as opposed to a single-hand approach. Given the myriad reasoning and points of view to a single problem or task at hand, a number of diverse solutions can be achieved through teamwork. As such, it is imperative to keep team members motivated and focused on achieving organizational goal (Baker, Day & Salas, 2006). It should be noted that refocusing and motivating team members towards achieving organization’s goal can be a daunting task. There are a number of tactics that can be utilized by leaders in order to keep team members refocused, motivated and productive.
The purpose of this assignment is for you to develop an understanding of the organisational goals of the team and how to motivate team members to achieve these.
Have urgent, constructive purpose. The members of the team should acquire an urgent behavior in a constructive manner. Demanding performance keeps the team motivated to achieve goals. Also, rewards should be part of the challenges.
When I had asked my interviewee how he had gotten to be a manager, his first response was that he performed at a high level and his leadership had recognized that. After going through a rigorous training program to test if he was ready for management he got his first promotion and is now a successful regional vice president. It was clear that he was an employee oriented leader who took notice and appreciated the different personalities on his team. In order to impact, a leader must understand that not all people have the same goals and desires, so as a manager it is important to recognize individual goals and perceptions and tailor communication and goals to that specific person. When dealing with a team it is important to set specific goals and objectives or else it is difficult for the team to focus and it can lead to frustration. As a leader, understanding that specific decisions impact individuals and the team, make it important to share the organizations reason and objective behind specific decisions. Also making sure that there is open communication when needing to discuss important changes or information and using knowledge to explain what sort of impact it will have in advance, helps to alleviate the pain from change. This is similar to goal
Effective Leaders are able to motivate followers through a few different ways such as; articulating a compelling vision, emphasizing collective identities, expressing confidence and optimism and referencing core values and ideals. By articulating a compelling vision and using core values and ideals, that relate back to the organization's goals, employees are better able to identify themselves with the company and work harder to reach the goals. Having collective identities in a workplace and expressing confidence in your employees will allow people to better understand their role and if they are effectively completing the that needs to be done work.
There are three things in running my unit that affects my team’s success: my managerial effectiveness, inspiring others, and developing leadership in employees. 1. Developing Managerial Effectiveness is the challenge of developing the relevant skills — such as time-management, prioritization, strategic thinking, decision-making, and getting up to speed with the job — to be more effective at work. 2. Inspiring others is the challenge of inspiring or motivating others to ensure they are satisfied with their jobs and working smarter. 3. Developing Employees is the challenge of developing others, including mentoring and coaching. I may not have the same challenges of other company leaders but these three in my service at Villanova seem to be the most effect on my workday. I have the unique opportunity to have the job on campus that incorporates the tasks that require three different individuals to do the things I am responsible for accomplishing. This is why my managerial effectiveness is important to establishing a time management that drives my day. If I get caught up making sure all of the management stuff gets done, I will lose sight of motivating others and developing my employees. Admiral McRaven talked about changing the lives of 800 million people over the range of a generation. Tom Peters talked about not allowing organization to strangle you. Jeff Immelt talked about productivity and cost which affects my business and is key to our success. Leaders have to promote
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Have you ever wondered why two people with the same job and in the same environment may perform differently or have a different viewpoint of their job? Of course everyone is different, but what is different? Perhaps it could be their motivation to perform their duties. According to David McClelland (1993), cognitive intelligence is not the best predictor of occupational status or job performance. Many people ignore the social factors that contribute to job performance, like motivation.
In part 1 of this assignment I stated that “Leadership is the act of motivating and inspiring others to pursue a common interest or common goal.” The content covered in the DEPM 604 Management and Leadership in Distance Education and E-Learning course has reinforced my perception of leadership and clearly explained the important role leaders play in achieving organizational success.
According to the situational theory, as a leader I should have the ability to motivate my team in order for them to perform their tasks in an efficient and effective way, in other words have the ability to motivate them and enhance their development level.
The advanced project will give m a solid base of knowledge about how members of an organization are motivated to complete its various projects (critical projects and otherwise). This knowledge base will make me more equipped to spot problems in my own style of leadership, as well as in the organization I try to lead. And spotting such problems is, of course, a
Motivation is an act that helps you overcome a lot of obstacles that you may experience. It is an approach in how to encourage your team members to be excited about what they are doing and look forward achieving new things knowing that they are investing their time in something that is truly worthwhile. You would like your team members to be loyal, productive, and willing to put all their best effort every day entirely in their job. Treating your team members well can go a long way toward motivating them to do a great job.
Job performance is essentially a function of ability and motivation. One’s ability can be developed through training, education, and work experience. However, substantial developments in motivation can be obtained fairly quickly. As an effective manager, may achieve a significant increase in your team 's performance by improving its motivation; this begins with understanding what motivates people. According to Maslow Hierarchy of needs theory (Robbins et al., 2014), there are 5 levels of motivation that a manager should recognize as it relates to what motivates individuals and how people are motivated. This has been demonstrated throughout my career as different things motivate different people. The motivation can come right