
“Motivation To Read: How Does It Change For Struggling

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“Motivation to Read: How Does It Change for Struggling Readers with and Without Disabilities”
A study by Melekoglu and Wilkerson (2013), examines reading instruction and its impact on reading motivation of struggling readers with and without disabilities. The study is one of several on which Melekoglu and Wilkerson have collaborated (“Kimber Wilkerson,” 2017). Both researchers are university professors with extensive writing experience. Melekoglu has published thirteen journal articles (“Macid A. Melekoglu,” 2017) and Wilkerson has published twelve (“Kimber Wilkerson,” 2017). The objective of the 2013 peer-reviewed study, published in the International Journal of Instruction, was to determine if reading motivation, as …show more content…

The student subjects were in specific classrooms chosen by the schools’ administrations to receive daily instruction with the reading program.
The survey tool utilized for the study was the Adolescent Motivation to Read Survey (AMRS), which consisted of 20 questions to assess the reader’s self-concept in regards to reading and the value the reader places on reading. Responses were given on a four-point scale and the survey took about ten minutes for the students to complete. The survey was administered pre- and post-study. The authors note evidence for the reliability of the survey instrument and for correct administration of the survey.
One sample t-tests were used to evaluate the survey results. The t-tests results indicated significant changes in reading motivations among subjects in certain areas. The scores of students without disabilities in the Self-Concept portion of the survey significantly increased during the study and showed statistical significance. Students without disabilities also showed an increase in scores in the Value of Reading scores, but the difference was not statistically significant. Students with disabilities showed a decline in reading motivation, but the differences were not significant. The Full Survey scores for struggling readers without disabilities also increased slightly, but the improvement was not statistically significant.

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