Excellent and informative post, which you touch on a major HR challenge today. Effective HR is focused on recruiting and retaining high performers or top talent. HR understands quality hires is critical to sustain employee engagement and reduce turnovers and financial impacts of a wrong hire. According to Cabot (2011) described the importance of recruiters to "consistently delivers a productive employee who produce good results, are engaged in their jobs, and want to grow and learn. (Cabot, 2011, para 3). The Army transformed its recruiting process and procedures to acquire quality over quantity recruits. During a period of budget constraints, the Army implemented stricter standards and requirements including extensive medical, resilient,
The common perception of a recruiter is evolving quickly in the workplace (Boswell 2001). Where once recruiters were viewed as a tool to simply acquire candidates, modern recruiters have greater responsibilities to their clients. These responsibilities can include tasks such as organizing paperwork, completing pre-screening measures, and even occasionally preparing training curriculum (Darrell 2002). Recruiters are further expected to provide quality screening of candidates and ensure the optimal match for each applicable position within a company (Posner 2006). As with any other job within a company, recruiters must take this work seriously and avoid procrastination to ensure a smooth transition for their candidates into the new workplace. Should the transition fail to be smooth, the full blame modernly falls on the recruiter who failed to use proper coordinating strategy.
One of the tools Sharp managers use to retain the employees is re-recruitment of current employees rather than new ones. Re-recruiting recognizes employees for their contributions, renews their sense of self-worth and loyalty, and ensures their longevity. The management places employees in three different categories based on their performance. The categories include great, good and low-performing employees. The management meets with employees in each category individually. However, when they meet with their great performers, they let them know they are a valuable asset to
Recruitment and retention is paramount to meeting both the tactical or strategic goals of any organization.
Jim Crow Laws were when the government passed a law where black people went to different schools, churches, and grocery stores. They had to sit at that back of the bus, pretty much everything is based off your race. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird was during the time of the Jim Crow Law. Tom Robinson ( man accused of rape) was not guilty due to his race.
As in my experience, the recruiters lacked multiple competencies. They were incompetent concerning evaluation, laws, communication as well as employee relations. HR professionals are required to have current knowledge about HR management as well as specific HR activities. Professional certification has grown in importance as it establishes proficiency and credibility as an HR professional. There are numerous HR certifications available including, HRCI certification Professional in Human Resources (PHR), Human Resources Business Professional (HRBP), Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) along with much more. These certifications expire, requiring a recertification process which assures that professional possess the necessary current knowledge to successfully perform their
Unlike the Germans who received a positive response for both their ethnic and racial identity, unfortunately for the Irish it was not the case. Ireland during the nineteenth century was identified to be a religious-oriented, in which Catholicism was important to Irish national identity. Because ethnicity is partly based on religion, during the nineteenth-century majority of America was Protestant. The Irish immigrants underwent ethnical and racial discrimination especially those that were Irish Catholics. Based on their transmitted social status from Ireland as deprived immigrants, the Irish were the least expected to have the ability to oppose such scorn. Furthermore, the Irish were perceived to be unintelligent. This was considered because
Abstract: An organization is analogous to a bus where the leader is a driver and the passengers are employee body. This article discusses the importance of proficient recruitment explaining their role in organization success. The Right Person: In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins says “Get the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus and the right people in the right seats”. What he implies is recruitment of individuals who are capable of delivering more in time, or at least what is required given the task.
Motivational factors in this theory comes from the need to explore and master environments meaningful to the individual. With this motivation, change is possible as the person re-organize and re-establish their occupational roles. Possible changes in the women veterans living with PTSD participating in this group include: Veteran will be able to recognize areas of occupation in which their traumatic experience has impacted. Veterans will be able to recognize environmental triggers related to PTSD then exercise learned coping techniques to address the issue. Veteran will utilize resources (leader, peers, family etc.) available to them to verbalize moments of distress freely. Using both extrinsic and intrinsic sources as suggested in MOHO, group
Now that the definition of recruitment is clear it time to explore the different strategies that are used in the recruitment process. Kevin Ryan, successful CEO of Guilt Goupe, states, “Recruiting is so important that we intentionally overinvest in it” (Ryan, 2012, p.45). This statement shows how important recruitment is. Being a recent college graduate that landed a job fresh out of college within my field and now seeking work, I can say first hand that the recruitment process is not done in one certain way, but in a variety of ways. One of the most common ways to get recruited is by referral. Referrals take place when current workers of an organization inform their associates about job openings and recommend they apply. In certain instances, when there is an extreme
Human motivation is a subject that has been studied extensively with a myriad of theories, techniques and ideas. However, even with all the information available for managers and leaders to study, being able to effectively motivate employees is a skill that many struggle with. In the Air Force, there is a tendency to use a higher rank and position to tell subordinates to, just do it because I told you to. Plunkett, Allan and Attner (2012) define motivation as the result of the interaction of a person's internal needs and external influences, which determine how a person will behave (p. 398). As an example, most motivational techniques used in the military are normally intrinsic in nature and many leaders utilize the content, operant and cognitive process theories of motivation. Baack (2012) describes content theories as factors within individuals, notably needs, that lead to behaviors, operant process theories explore external factors that increase and decrease behaviors and cognitive process theories which examine the thought processes or mental reasoning processes that lead to behaviors. One of the things that makes the military unique, in comparison to civilian organizations, is that the military tries to institutionally satisfy the basic human physiological needs of its members. Adequate housing, food and clothing are either provided at no cost or a monetary allowance in addition to base pay is given
Organizations rely on their staff. There are several important elements regarding the staff of these organizations. One of the most important elements regarding organizations' staff refers to the motivational strategy that these organizations develop. This is because the performance level of the staff is significantly influenced by employees' motivation.
Imagine that someone you love or someone very close to you is a victim of a very serious crime, a crime so serious that the person who committed it is now sitting on death row with limited time left to live. How do you think you would feel? Would you be thinking that they deserved to die? Or would you be hoping that evidence would come to light to show them innocent or, even though the crime was horrific would you think they don’t deserve to be punished by death? Would you want to watch the person die at the hands of the law to ensure justice has been served or would you rather they spend the rest of their life in prison as punishment? When violent crime affects you personally it can make the death penalty look like a good option. The
Recruiting the right candidates for position can certainly be one of the biggest HR challenges that any organization can face. This can be especially true when business needs are rapidly growing or in high turnover industries. I have recently worked in a recruiting role and have witnessed the difficulty that turnover can cause when recruiting and retaining employees.
The next area of discussion of human resource management staffing is recruitment. Recruitment is the process of attracting people who might make a contribution to the organization. It is often stimulated when an existing employee leaves an organization or when the organization is expanding. So recruiting can be defined as the process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for organizational jobs (Mathis & Jackson, 2008). It is important that human resource managers understand labor markets.
Recruiting highly capable employees has become more than an art, it has now become a strategy. And taking a strategic approach means utilizing a strong recruitment and selection process to attract the right candidates to my organization. The strategy has grown, there are several effective recruitment and selection strategies that are far more advanced than simply asking the right questions.