
Mortgage Protection Insurance Essay

Decent Essays

We are all young enough to remember the houses crisis between 2007-2009 and a lot of people are caution to purchase a home due to those lingering fears. However, mortgage protection insurance can take away most of the fears of having a mortgage.

You have wonder, how will I make mortgage payments if the breadwinner in the family loses their job, becomes disabled or even dies.

Well, Mortgage protection insurance covers for these potential financial disasters. Think of it as life insurance for your mortgage payment.

You can purchase a policy when you first buy your home. Often you must buy it within a certain time period after purchasing, usually within the firs 1-2 years after purchasing the home. Although is you search diligently you may find some companies allow up to 5 years after the original purchase of the home to buy mortgage protection insurance. …show more content…

The type of mortgage protection insurance benefits you will receive depends on the type of policy you purchased. Mortgage protection insurance is varied and every policy is different. Currently, most mortgage insurance policies are designed to pay out the full amount of your original mortgage, no matter how much money you owe. For example, let's say your mortgage was $150,000 at the time you purchased your 30-year policy. If you die 15 years later, your insurer will still cut your beneficiary a check for $150,000 — even if you now owe $84,000 on the home.

Other policies vary on payout depending on the situation, such as becoming disabled or temporary lose of a

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