
Mormon Cult Research Paper

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The Mormon “Cult”
They all wear weird under garments. They are racist. They practice polygamy. They are a cult. Women are discriminated against.
These are some of the controversies I have picked up on throughout my life when those who did not practice the religion brought up Mormons. I’ve had two insights into the Mormon religion; one being my trip to the Kansas City temple and another being family friend’s with one some might call a “hard core Mormon”. After many years of these assumptions I finally acted on my curiosity when I was granted the opportunity after a friend invited me to join them for their service. On impulse, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and take a look into this foreign religion.
After my invitation, I waited …show more content…

After asking about the roles of men and women in the church, Kendal proceeded to tell me that the women typically offered prayers, taught adults and children, and spoke in sermons. The reason that the men only blessed the sacrament and passed out the bread and water was because they were the only ones who could hold the Priesthood, which is the authority to act in God’s name. He explained to me that women still hold high authority in the church, and even have an organization called the Relief Society that was started by the Prophet Joseph Smith to help those in …show more content…

I could feel everyone’s eyes on mine but directed my attention to Brother Johnston, hoping he wouldn’t take my random outburst negatively.
“That’s actually not true in today’s world,” he replied kindly. He went on to explain that those who would practice polygamy would become excommunicated. According to scriptures, the Lord had commanded some to do so for various reasons (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, and Solomon) and they believe that in Heaven polygamy is practiced.
“Anything else you’d like to ask?” He went on to say. Well yes, I have twenty million other questions I’d like answers to.
“This is going to sound really weird, but do you guys all wear the same underwear every day?” He burst out laughing at my question and looked at the other girls who were laughing under their breaths as well. In that moment I hated myself for being so curious, and quickly said “Never mind!”
“No its ok,” he replied, “Our church is very big on modesty. After a couple is sealed (married) in the temple they are given garments, underwear and a T-shirt, that you wear under everything. It’s kind of a guide on what to wear over your clothes- and you can never show

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