
Moral Judgement And Moral Relativism Essay

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Moral luck coexists with moral skepticism to support moral relativism. If a person cannot have any moral knowledge then it is luck that will determine the outcome. If a person had vast moral knowledge, they would be able to see or predict a close shot of the outcome of a situation that involves moral choices. If this person does not know anything about morals, then it is up to that persons luck to determine the outcome of the moral choice. According to Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “Moral luck occurs when an agent can be correctly treated as an object of moral judgment despite the fact that a significant aspect of what she is assessed for depends on factors beyond her control.”(Nelkin,2004); Since it is up to moral luck to choose in moral choices, there cannot be any moral facts because it is luck that determines what the outcome will be. There is more than one type of luck, there is Circumstantial Luck, Resultant Luck Causal, Luck Constitutive Luck, and Everybody’s luck is different so there can be no moral facts, therefore supporting moral relativism. To begin with, in Allegory of the cave in the book A Guided Tour of Five Works by Plato, written by Christopher Biffle, there is a scenario that follows moral luck leading into moral luck. The children from the allegory that were chosen to live in this cave had no idea that they were going to be subjected to such living conditions. They did not have the choice to choose how they were going to be treated, but they

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