
Moosh Pit Research Paper

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Jumping Into the Pit Picture this, you are in a crowd slamming into people, you help the crowd push a person above you towards the stage. Music is playing and you cannot help yourself, you have the irresistible urge to jump and shout. You feel your adrenaline increase and you let loose a big smile as everyone in the crowd starts to move their head back and forth to the beat of the music. Around you elbows and hair move in and out of vision, as you and the crowd jostle in a large circular fashion. What could possibly be happening right now? What I just described is a small view into what happens during a mosh pit. Everyone belongs to a subculture and every subculture has their niche in society. To the untrained eye, mosh pits look like unruly fighting rings. The purpose of mosh pits, however, is not to hurt people, but rather to “release frustrations and celebrate music” (Clark par. 1). Mosh pits offer a place for people to express themselves in an appropriate manner and setting, which otherwise would not be considered fitting outside of the pit. In my course of studying the subculture of mosh pits, I grew to better understand their purpose and the emotions they give off. Keywords: Moshpits, slam dancing, wall of death, the pit, pogoing, headbanging, …show more content…

When Caleb Shomo of Beartooth screamed repeatedly for everyone to jump higher than they ever had before, I turned to look at the pit where bodies were slamming into each other. The ancient wooden floor started to give way as everyone in the building jumped and the increased volume caused the windows to shake. I had only one thought: this is so

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