
Moonlight Film Analysis

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This chaotic fight scene is an emotional appeal because, the audience gets to see the changes Chiron goes though in a matter of minutes from being happy and brightly lit to angry and violent. The dynamic camera movement the music, and camera angles all serve to influence the audience. The erratic movement of the hand-held camera creates a feeling of unease, the music, which is unintrusive, serves to separate Chiron from his surroundings, which helps put us inside his head. The juxtaposing scenes of the night at the beach and the entire fight scene from beginning to end lead the audience to feel a rollercoaster of emotions. Since Chiron is such a realistic character who is easily relatable the audience is happy when he is happy, and troubled …show more content…

Though his violent outburst is inexcusable, the audience cannot help but feel like Terrell deserved what he got, because of the torment he put Chiron through.
With that being said, Moonlight falls into the category of being a drama film perfectly. Dramas generally have a characteristic of following a realistic character going through some kind of conflict throughout the movie; the conflict can be external, internal, or both. One characteristic that is often seen in dramas that is very prominent in Moonlight is the “emotional and relational development of realistic characters” (Buffman). The movie does a great job of showing this development by separating the movie into the three different parts, each one illustrates the growth and changes Chiron goes through. We see Chiron at first as a weak and naïve little boy, then the movie depicts him as an isolated teenager who is struggling with his sexual orientation, and finally we see him as a …show more content…

The night before the fight Chiron, having argued with his mom, runs away to the beach, where Kevin just so happens to also be, the two talk about their dreams in life and kiss, after a while Kevin drops Chiron back home, and for the first time in the movie we see Chiron smile, the lighting, and his clothes are brighter, which further illustrates this change. The next day however, Kevin and Chiron fight under the direction of Terrell. The day following the fight Chiron once again has changed he has scars and blood on his face from the day before, and his clothes are dirty. Chiron walks with a fast pace enters the classroom and proceeds to break a chair over Terrell’s back, and is subsequently arrested. The movie showed Chiron at his best and at his worst within a matter of

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