
Montana 1948 Loyalty Quotes

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Montana 1948 Essay
In the novel, Montana 1948, written by Larry Watson, an important event occurred at the end of the story in which the character Wesley finally stands up to his power obsessed father, Julian. This event allowed the readers to comprehend the ideas of loyalty versus justice, power over the oppressed and the breakdown of family hierarchy.
In Montana 1948 the idea of loyalty versus justice was shown in the event. When Wesley and his father Julian are disputing about Wesley’s brother, Frank, and how he is locked inside the basement, Wesley states that “This isn’t about family, this is a legal matter”. This implies that Wesley has chosen Justice over loyalty. Watson’s intention for making Wesley choose Justice over loyalty, was to show how difficult it can be for a person who has a huge amount of responsibility in the field of justice and choose either loyalty to family or justice disregarding how bad the situation is. This is crucial in society today, because countless of people who work for the law, will always have the hard decision of choosing loyalty to their family or choosing justice. …show more content…

As Wesley and Julian were arguing about what Wesley’s brother Frank had done, Julian shouts “Get your ass in gear and get your brother out here now!” This quote shows the small amount of respect Julian has for his own son when he curses. Watson’s purpose for using Julian to show the idea of power over the oppressed is to show how cruel a person can become when they are obsessed with power, even to their own family. This is important in today’s world because there are so many people in the world where one person rules thousands of people and treats them in a cruel

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