
Montag's Third Trial In 'Dover Beach'

Decent Essays

Montag’s third Trial occurs when Montag publicly commits a crime and reads the poem “Dover Beach” to Mildred’s friends. This scene emphasizes on the lack of emotional connection that most of society has. At first, Montag doesn’t understand the lack of empathy that the women have as “Montag said nothing but stood looking at the women’s faces as he looked at the faces of the saints” (91). His connection to not being able to perceive the faces of religious figures illustrate how Montag feels when they talk about frivolous ideas, like television shows. As Montag reads the poem, Mrs. Phelps reacts uncontrollably to the impactful wording and symbolic meaning of the poem. She cries “very loud as her face squeezed itself out of shape,” (97). This shows

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