
Monroe's Life-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

The conglomeration of individuals emitted a sound synonymous to that of a low, tumultuous hum from where we were standing in relation to the town once I had originally acknowledged it; however, as walked along the cusp of the town’s entrance, with the evermore tattered welcome sign to my immediate left and Margaret to my right, the voices of individuals became more discernible. The town was as congested as it was my prior visit, if not more sardined, and the dust and debris being kicked about resulted in an opaque view of the town, at best. I looked to my right to eye over Margaret, to see how she was handling the situation and if it was better than I had handled it before, and I found her to be as calm, cool, and collected as ever, as if such a pandemonium stricken scenario was of normalcy to her. I returned my line of sight onwards as Margaret took the lead, seeing as I was accompanying her to a destination of which only she knew the location, and began to feel a strange anxiety swell within me, mostly in part to feeling suffocated between packets of debris and woven human beings. Nevertheless, I …show more content…

Although, as I began to think about it while we progressed towards the entrance, it wasn’t so strange after all. I did understand the sort of business that took place within such establishments, essentially contradicting the meaning of the word “gentleman”, and could now understand Margaret’s reluctance to come here, and her distaste for her uncle aside from his aggressive nature. I suppose I became slightly lost within thoughts and consideration of possibilities that I found myself straggling behind Margaret by about ten feet, just within the allotted visibility of the town, and briskly quickened my pace to re-arrive at her

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