
Monopolies During The Progressive Era

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During the Progressive era from 1900-1920 , the reformers and the federal government was making reforms on the national level. The Progressive Era was bursting with ideas to make life better in the industrial age by making changes to political and social through the government.Most of the Progressives had the ideology of limiting big business, improving social justice, and improving democracy for the people. They only made limited change with child labor and trust-busting.Some limitations prohibited leaders from implementing their actions right away, but their success was the ultimate result. This was fueled by investigative reporters who were called muckrakers. This era was named the Gilded Age, which means there was bad under the appearance of something good.
There were muckrakers who exposed monopolies who started the movement.They opened to the …show more content…

The progressives were mainly middle class workers who were taken advantage over from large corporations.Monopolies emerged when the era started. The monopolies were in oil, railroad, and steel. Carnegie controlled the steel, while Rockefeller controlled the oil. It negatively impacted the middle class, when the workers were overworked and small business were being controlled by one person. There was a president who wanted to combat these large corporations and this president was Theodore Roosevelt.In doc A, it shows how Teddy Roosevelt was a trustbuster and he destroys bad trusts and keeps good trusts. Woodrow Wilson was another president who combated monopolies with the Clayton Antitrust Act. Antitrust laws shall be constructed to forbid the existence and operation of labor organization ,which was stated in document E. It seemed to go all well when workers went on strike, most employees were able to get the rights they deserved .Monopolies were a thing of the past and people were getting better working

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