
Monologue Of Virgil

Decent Essays

After a long and tiring day, filled with unsatisfactory precipitation throughout the whole time, I found myself in front of a cheap hotel, wishing I was back home.[1] Not only did I feel awful, but I also looked miserable and by the way I was being stared at and treated, I probably appeared as a fugitive.[5] Despite everything, I spent the night there.[6] The following day, after running my daily errands, I decided to spend a night in a hotel owned by Dr. Brown. We became instantly close when we discovered our shared interest in books; therefore, our friendship lasted for as long as he was alive.[3] Being that there was not one place in Europe where he could not share an experience from, I pictured him as a doctor who moved from town to town.[4] He had many writings of his own.[2] …show more content…

Brown was a sophisticated man, “..but much of an unbeliever, and wickedly undertook, some years after, to travesty the Bible in doggrel verse, as Cotton had done Virgil.”[7] In this way, he would present very absurd facts which would affect the perspective of the uneducated citizens; but his work was never

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