
Monologue Of The Legend Of Alice

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Proverbs 11:13
A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret. In the year 1560, in England lived two girls and they were cousins. Their names are Lady Rose Woodly and Lady Alice Woodly. They were both daughters of a wealthy Duke and Duchess. Rose was kindhearted, beautiful inside and out, and smart. Alice was not so kind, she was self-centered, and although she was smart she spent most of her time pretending to be clueless just to annoy people.
On a Sunday I came over to Rose's castle for Sunday brunch in the garden. When I was on her way to the garden she overheard Rose's father talking about a problem because of they were harboring the bandits in their dungeon called, Ruthless Bandits. I always harbored a grudge against Rose for being so good and kind. But finally I saw an to make a total fool out of Rose by just bending the truth about this...a lot. Before the Duke could see me, I continued walking towards the sanctuary in the garden where Rose and I had all of their Sunday brunches at. Rose As I watched Alice get in her carriage to go home, I replayed in my mind the weirdness of Alice's actions during …show more content…

She sent a maid to answer the doors and heard the pitter patter of her maids feet but then she heard the stomping of boots. Guards surrounded her and then yanked her out of her seat. One guard was posted in front of her to keep watch while the rest of the guards went and found her father. Once he was found they were taken outside and mounted up on horses and rode to Rose's home...When they arrived they were brought to the Grand Hall where Duke Benjamin, Rose's father, and Rose stood along with her mother and brothers and sisters. Duke Rupert learned what I did and learned the real truth he apologized on my behalf and took me home. My whole family learned of what I did and decided to send me to live with my distant cousin in the Land of the Frozen

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