Proverbs 11:13
A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret. In the year 1560, in England lived two girls and they were cousins. Their names are Lady Rose Woodly and Lady Alice Woodly. They were both daughters of a wealthy Duke and Duchess. Rose was kindhearted, beautiful inside and out, and smart. Alice was not so kind, she was self-centered, and although she was smart she spent most of her time pretending to be clueless just to annoy people.
On a Sunday I came over to Rose's castle for Sunday brunch in the garden. When I was on her way to the garden she overheard Rose's father talking about a problem because of they were harboring the bandits in their dungeon called, Ruthless Bandits. I always harbored a grudge against Rose for being so good and kind. But finally I saw an to make a total fool out of Rose by just bending the truth about this...a lot. Before the Duke could see me, I continued walking towards the sanctuary in the garden where Rose and I had all of their Sunday brunches at. Rose As I watched Alice get in her carriage to go home, I replayed in my mind the weirdness of Alice's actions during
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She sent a maid to answer the doors and heard the pitter patter of her maids feet but then she heard the stomping of boots. Guards surrounded her and then yanked her out of her seat. One guard was posted in front of her to keep watch while the rest of the guards went and found her father. Once he was found they were taken outside and mounted up on horses and rode to Rose's home...When they arrived they were brought to the Grand Hall where Duke Benjamin, Rose's father, and Rose stood along with her mother and brothers and sisters. Duke Rupert learned what I did and learned the real truth he apologized on my behalf and took me home. My whole family learned of what I did and decided to send me to live with my distant cousin in the Land of the Frozen
Hi Alice! How are you doing? Fine? I hope so.
At the start of her journey, Alice’s blunt and direct form of speech drives the animals away in either offence or wariness. In a state of excitement, Alice inflicts this upon herself while exclaiming, ‘“Dinah’s our cat. Why, she’ll eat a little bird as soon as [she] looks at it!’” (Carol 38). Because of Alice’s little knowledge in social norms, she immediately frightens the party of birds as she talks about her cat. While she is perplexed at the animal’s offence in her words, she is contingent on their guidance in navigating the foreign wonderland. After several failed interactions, Alice develops the inclination of social awareness in her speech as she begins to stop herself when talking with the mock turtle quipping, “‘and perhaps you were never introduced to a lobster-’ (Alice began to say, “I once tasted-” but checked herself hastily)” (Carol 94). Alice’s growth in social awareness stopped her from saying anything offensive, giving her the benefit of stable, though not always helpful, dependency on the animal’s
Sarah-Alice was in the football field as she smiled happy to be back at Long Beach High after a long summer knowing how that right now this is a new year to start. She then saw the cheerleaders for the first time only to then say,"Alright I need you girls to start doing five laps and then some stretches so we can practice some routines before our Football team comes." She then saw her team start to do her laps while she took her coat only to then show her workout outfit since it was now eighty degrees out. Sarah-Alice then smiled as she ran with her team only to do some stretches until the girls were staring at the team. She then had her eyes caught on one certain god in human form. She knew on the back of his shirt said Winchester so she knew
Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a story of a young girl’s journey down the rabbit hole into a fantasy world where there seems to be no logic. Throughout Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Alice experiences a variety of bizarre physical changes, causing her to realize she is not only trying to figure out Wonderland but also trying to determine her own identity. After Alice arrives in Wonderland the narrator states, “For this curious child was very fond of pretending to be two people” (Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 12). This quotation is the first instance that shows Alice is unsure of her identity. The changes in size that take place when she eats or drinks are the physical signs of her loss of identity.
In the stories of “Mary Queen of Scots” and “Elizabeth I”, it is known that Mary and Elizabeth I are two different people, but also the similar in some ways. Both Elizabeth and Mary lived within the same time period and were even related, although their lives ended up completely different. Elizabeth was a well-respected queen with an interesting personal life. Mary on the other hand was convicted of aiding a homicide and had many problems in her personal life. Therefore, Elizabeth and Mary both had some similarities and differences between their early lives and their personal lives.
“Rose , rose are you- YOU'RE BLEEDING ROSE YOU'RE BLEEDING” cries Alice , after a few years of being friends with her , this became her casual voice , panic ,worry and utter depression .
The husband notices that something is amiss with Alice when she doesn’t seem to keep track of conversations in a party they were invited and forgets the names of the people she had been earlier introduced to. When she was preparing for the lecture she took forty five minutes preparing and when she gets into the class she has no idea about what she had prepared.
A feather landed in a splatter of yellow paint on the dusty concrete, and was trampled by the passersby as they hurried past in their haste to get to the highlight of the fair: the prized bird judging. Ellie sat in a corner perched on the edge of her stool, cheered by the queue of people waiting for her to paint their portrait. As an Art student, she used the money she earned from selling her paintings at the local markets and fairs to pay her tuition fees, her rent and feed herself.
“Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and perception.” (Howard Crystal) In Health 1000 we were asked to read the book Still Alice. I have never dealt with or have done any study on Alzheimer’s disease before reading this book. After finishing this book it has really opened my eyes to how bad of a disease and how it cripples the mind. I never imagined the effect of this disease on a patient and the patient family. This book is about a upper middle aged lady named Alice who is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, and how she and her family learn how to deal with disease. One of the things this book
was the most amazing thing in the world. Alice became addicted to drugs and was rapidly
I really enjoyed this interview. I think it is amazing that Alice is taking such good care of her sister. I am sure that have a very special bond. When I am older I want to be a special education teacher, people with disabilities have always had a special place in my heart. I can not believe that Alice's sister in law wants to put Suzie in a home instead of taking care of her and giving her everything that she deserves to have. I am glad that you learned to never judge someone, especially that is in a situation you do not know or understand much about.
I saw Still Alice this week. I wanted to see the Glen Campbell movie (which I will watch later) but opted for this one first. What a stirring movie! Watching the progression of her decline, and realizing that she KNEW that she was affected, was very sad. It was heartening to see the support that her family gave her, even while dealing with their own issues. The fact that she was proactive on the front end, in obtaining the diagnostic testing helped her family be better able to understand what was happening and to support her. I love the fact that she and her daughter were able to have a better relationship, and that her daughter was truly able to see her mom, even when her mom had trouble seeing her earlier.
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll endures as one of the most iconic children 's books of all time. It remains one of the most ambiguous texts to decipher as Alice 's adventures in Wonderland have created endless critical debate as to whether we can deduce any true literary meaning, or moral implication from her journey down the rabbit hole. Alice 's station as a seven year old Victorian child creates an interesting construct within the novel as she attempts to navigate this magical parallel plain, yet retain her Victorian sensibilities and learn from experience as she encounters new creatures and life lessons. Therefore, this essay will focus on the debate as to whether Alice is the imaginatively playful child envisaged by the Romantics, or a Victorian child whose imagination has been stunted by her education and upbringing.
Still Alice (Genova, 2009) is a captivating debut novel about a 50-year-old woman’s sudden decline into early onset Alzheimer’s disease. The book is written by first time author Lisa Genova, who holds a PH.D in neuroscience from Harvard University. She’s also an online columnist for the national Alzheimer’s association. Her other books include Left Neglected and Love Anthony. She lives with her husband and two children in Cape Cod.
"Mrs. Henshaw, no matter what you may have read, Chris and I are dating, nothing more," Mary Alice said.