
Monologue About God

Satisfactory Essays

I'm thinking about God
Is it a he or a she or a feeling or love?
Does she personally ordain every occurrence and every moment
Or did she set the universe in motion and then move on?
To try to top her achievement?
Maybe this universe wasn't an achievement at all
Maybe our lives, our wars, our fuckups, our diseases
Our love, our humanity, our passion, our pennies, our Holocaust
Are all just a rehearsal before the show
A sketch before the mural, a stretch before the jump
Does she love me? Does God know I'm here?
I'm thinking about God, I'm thinking about sex
I've been holy all day and acted in ways that deserve adjectives like
"Honorable, " "good, " and "straight"
But it's after 10PM now and I'm bored
I watched a movie on the internet alone and …show more content…

I'm about to get in bed, you?"
"Well, I'm chilling, I've just been thinking about you, winky face"
"Haha, really random, I haven't seen you in so long, what made you think about me?"
"Well, to be honest, I'm bored, and I'm thinking about sex"
I'm thinking about horses, they're so goddamn regal
Their muscles ripple through their skin like waves in a little ocean
Magnificent beasts

But why the fuck do they listen to us?
They're so much stronger than they know
But they trade their freedom for a dependable meal
They let people get on top of them and tell them where to …show more content…

That would be okay, you know, yo I had a good run
I wonder if a lot of people would come to my funeral
Maybe my fans would do something special
Maybe they'd cry and maybe it'd be in the newspaper
Yeah, I think I'd get in the Detroit News
Probably not the New York Times
People'll probably like my music more when I die
'Cause they'll know no more is coming
You see, people love stories with endings
Right now, I'm just sort of a story that's dragging on slowly
Page by page, year by year
But people want an ending, they want a crash
They want a ear in the fucking mail
But I don't have one
All I have is another lousy poem
And the knowledge that I'll probably die somewhere confused and decrepit in a nursing

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