
Monkey Drug Trials 1969 Case Study

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Monkey Drug trials of 1969: The monkey drug trials 1969 was where a big group of monkeys and rats were trained to inject themselves with drugs like alcohol, morphine, cocaine, and amphetamines. The reason they did this study was so they could prove that drugs are addictive and that they have harmful side effects. The type of research they used to conduct this study was the case study method. At first the researchers administered the drugs themselves, but later on, they just left the drugs there and the test subjects injected themselves with the drugs voluntarily. Some of the subjects even started doing the different drugs at the same time. The outcome of this was the test subjects became violent ripping off their own limbs, experience …show more content…

The other 12 children were chosen randomly between the ages of 5 and 15 and in that group, they split them evenly into the control and experimental group. They came to the conclusion that diagnosing stuttering early can cause stuttering. The children were scared to speak most of the time. They were scared to stutter and were always overthinking it. This experiment also affected the way they acted at school and interacted with others. This experiment broke many of the rules in the ethical code. There was no informed consent because they used deception which is also against the code of ethics to get the kids to partake. The children were told that this was to help them stop/not stutter. There was also a significant mental health risk that was overlooked. If they could cause the kids to stutter which they did this could last them the rest of their lives and affect the way they live. With the fact, there was no informed consent they were never debriefed so they were just clueless the entire time. Baby Albert Experiment 1920: The baby Albert experiment was in 1920 where a psychologist named John B. Watson tested the idea of whether fear was

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