
Monitoring Kids Social Media

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In today’s society, many parents are debating if they should watch their kids social life. Some say it’s an invasion of their kids privacy, and they should let kids figure it out themselves, but others say that their safety comes first. Parents should monitor their kids social media because it encourages good responsibility, it decreases the chance for cyberbullying, and it ensures safety for a child. First of all, parents should monitor their kids social media account(s) because it encourages good responsibility. This is important for future notice if a child wanted to get a job. The interviewer/ employer would look on social media accounts to see what background/reputation the child had/has throughout the years. According to Careerbuilder….”According to CareerBuilder’s annual social media recruitment survey, 60 percent of employers use social networking sites to research job candidates, up significantly from 52 percent last year, 22 percent in 2008 and 11 percent in 2006, when the survey was first conducted. Additionally, 59 percent of hiring managers use search engines to research candidates – compared to 51 percent last year.” This proves that good responsibility can impact a child's future greatly if a parent can …show more content…

Cyberbullying is a big risk that can lead to suicide, and other factors that not only have physical scars, but mental scars. According to…”Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the cdc for every one suicide among young people, there are at least 100 attempts.” This shows us that cyberbullying has effects that people can’t go back from, but can be prevented if parents/guardians take the extra step, and monitor their kids social media to restrict the cyber bullying and stress from

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