
Monitorial School Model

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The common school movement had major influences on American public education. One of the models in the common school movement was the Lancasterian monitorial school model. The Lancasterian monitorial school model became popular in the nineteenth century in the United States Mid Atlantic and New England colonies. At the turn of the enlightenment and utilitarianism gaining popularity monitorial schools offered a cheap way to educate all youth in a non-religious setting while still instilling discipline and good morals (Vinovskis, “Schooling and Poor Children).
Lancaster’s motivation behind the monitorial schools was to give all youth regardless of socio-economic status equal opportunity to a basic education. Another big appeal of …show more content…

Also, Lancaster claimed that the monitorial school model allowed children to move at their own pace since they were all in the same large space together and could move to the next level of monitors once he or she was ready to do so. A major contribution that can still be seen today is the idea that society should invest in public education for it benefits all not just the individuals who have children. Also, the idea that education should be centralized so that we provide all children regardless of socioeconomic class the same access to education, and that this would ensure that the United States would not replicate the strict class divisions like in England. However, in the United States today we do not have centralized education and this is very apparent in the quality of public schools vary greatly from state to state and even in the same district between neighborhoods. There is a longing for this idea of centralized education in order to truly provide equal access to quality education no matter what part of town a child might reside in.
Although Lancaster’s intentions were to create equal opportunity and move away from hyper religious schools, it spread a negative attitude toward children who were poor, having the opposite effect of creating an equal playing field. Here are a couple of examples of

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