
Money Influencing American Politics

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The government of the United States is one of the most effective and thoroughly formed governments in the world today. There is no doubt that it has its advantages and provides helpful balance in ultimate power. However, our system is not without its flaws. In fact, many things keep the U.S. from operating as smoothly as it could potentially operate if it weren't bogged down by selfish interests. All of our problems in government stem from personal sin and lust for power and prestige. One prime example of this is the role money plays in influencing American politics. Money can be used to bribe, manipulate, cheat, deceive, and do all kinds of damage to our system of government. We do not need to look far to see how people will bend over backwards …show more content…

Money itself is worthless; it is what we do with it that matters. Many people give enormous amounts of their earnings to ensure re-election and to keep national prominence, but many times these people become more concerned with this fame than they are with actually protecting the rights of the people. If government leaders were to focus on how to better cooperate with others and provide people with what they need, they would not have time to worry about their own prominence and wealth. The idea of putting others first, or refusing to work in politics for one's own gain, would radically change the way things work now. Without a doubt, things need to be changed in order to create more confidence in and enthusiasm for American politics. People in authority should ideally be men and women with morals, responsible work ethic, and unselfish personal goals. Government leaders should not operate according to what their personal party desires but should be concerned with what is the ethical thing to do. Ignoring the immaturity of divisive political rhetoric and the temptation of colossal amounts of money will enable a person to act honestly and uprightly. A nearly perfect government would be full of people unconcerned for themselves but devoted to helping others. This takes the spotlight off of the American dollar and shines it on the unity of the diverse people of America. Collaboration, not …show more content…

Tearing ourselves away from money will mean discipline and careful thought centered on other people. Leaders must make a commitment to deny themselves extravagance and work hard to promote the general welfare of the people. Just as the “normal” people of the U.S. need to be willing to ignore the temporary benefits of cash, those in authority must decide that they will not put all of their resources into being re-elected or into gaining more comfortable lives. In addition, if people were to vote based solely on a person's character rather than on popularity, party obligation, or as a result of bribery, it is probable that unprincipled people would be less likely to continue in their offices. Everyone must put in effort to make sure that they are not influenced by wealth or the obligation to vote for who is “most likely to win”. It does not matter what or who is popular, it matters who will act uprightly. Money cannot be our end goal. Government must undergo serious changes in behavior in order to function apart from money, and these changes start with people. If people do not stop devoting themselves to gaining wealth above all else, nothing will ever change. As Jesus informs us in Mathew 6:24, “"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and

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