
Money Can Buy Happiness

Decent Essays

"Happiness is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy”. Notice that "happiness" is within the range of "contentment" to "intense joy." Every single thing in the world which brings contentment or joy costs money and therefore, it is money which brings happiness.

Nothing can be yours without money being spent either by the person experiencing this happiness, or by others spending money so that they can be happy. For example, even people who are contented with sustenance and covering will realize that both food and shelter costs money. Turn on the news and watch people dying of starvation, do they look happy? They appear to be quite sad. When the worms of hungry brought on by …show more content…

To illustrate, surely there are many single people who are happy does that mean that marriage is not a source of happiness? No. One thing is for sure poorness doesn't bring happiness at all. A husband and wife bickering over how to spend their last hundred dollars is not what I would call a happy marriage.

People say money is just paper with something printed on it but so are books and yet look at how much joy people get out of reading novels, poetry books, comics, and the list goes on. When a man writes a letter back home to his wife saying "I'm coming home tomorrow" after a long business trip, she smiles with joy that paper with something printed on it sure did make her happy likewise money too may just be paper and ink but when a man hands a check donation of one million dollars over to the orphanage I'm sure everyone is quite happy and when a man wins the lottery I'm sure it makes him quite happy.

Rich people complain "Everyone pretends to love me but they love my money" it is like saying that we should strive to be poor so that people won't pretend to be our friends? I'm sure that if anyone were to ask a set of 1000 very rich people how happy they were and 1000 poverty stricken, homeless, hungry, sick people who happy they were on a scale of 1 to 10 the rich would definitely fair better in terms of who is happier.

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