
Modern Russian Music Bands

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In the collapsed Russian Empire, modern generations grasp onto national strength and pride in their remembrance of their pasts. In art, the Russian people immortalize their history through songs about their true inner power and endurance. Bands like Alisa, DDT, Gazmanov, and Arkona comment on the state of modern Russia in comparison to it's past, and while some bands idealize the inner Slavs of the Russian people, others glorify their endurance, and others still are accepting of the new lack of strength in the modern Russian. As Russia reevaluates it's past, each voice acts as a foothold on which Russia regains it's balance. For bands like Alisa and Arkona, the Russian pride and identity lies in battles and folktales. Their performances speak to the earliest Russian character; the tough, brutish, fur-covered, god worshiping Slav. Their lyrics often claim a genetic, or spiritually intrinsic drive in the Russian people, singing phrases like “But there is a sky of the Slavs boiling in our veins”, “But Russian speech clanks by chain armor” (Alisa), “You have been a victim of crazy waters – in a death battle with wind. You put your hands in the sky and wait for Rod's (the Slavic deity of Fate) answer” “Hey, hey, cheer up! Hoy, hoy, go in fight again! If you are brave you are stronger.”(Arkona). These Slavic remembrances claim a basic native strength in the people of Russia, and argue against the acceptance of national failure. They call the people to fight together against the

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