
Modern Pottery: Native American Ceramics

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Native American Ceramics In this essay, Native American ceramics have been selected to demonstrate how the classical forms have impressed our factual knowledge of Native Americans, moreover, how the classical forms have influenced the modern pottery that is produced today. Also, this essay will vaguely explore how the artist’s culture have shaped their ceramics. Seeing that fired clay is one of the only substances known to man whose consistent shape does not alter over time, researchers can apply carbon-dating to discovered Native American pottery in order to extend our basic knowledge of their culture (“Pottery”). In fact, what we know about Native Americans is influenced by the Europeans; their arrival bringing metal tools, replacing …show more content…

Also, Native Americans used many different approaches to make and design the works of clay, and some of those techniques and many variations of those techniques are being applied to modern pottery today. As shown in this essay, Native Americans have created a way to gather, store, and preserve through the expression of clay.

Works Cited
"Anasazi." Historytogo.Utah.Gov, 2018, nasazi.html. Accessed 12 January 2018. "Native American Pottery Making- Overview." Nativeamerican-Art.Com, 2018, nativeamerican- Accessed 18 January 2018.
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"Pottery By American Indian Women - History." Cla.Purdue.Edu, 2018,
AAW/peterson/Petersonessay2.html. Accessed 15 January 2018.
"Pueblo Pottery | American Indian Art." Encyclopedia Britannica, 2018,

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