
Modern Pagan/Wiccan Practice

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Discuss how this term is used in modern Pagan/Wiccan practice and other practices if applicable This term is usually used as a way to direct the moral compass for many Pagans, mostly Wiccans. To many it's a profound rule and to others more of an advice that should be followed when possible and thus can be disregarded when not. It is also cause for much debate and while some people look more to the principle, others dissect it word by word and try to arrive at a conclusion as to whether or not to follow, revere or respect it. As a guiding principle it underlies magickal practice and what Scott Cunningham calls magickal morality for many Wiccans and to others extends into everyday life. It is not used as a moral bat or ruler by which one can strike or measure others. More than a tool to judge and be superior to …show more content…

A friend of mine once said harshly to me, when debating the terms of a contract with a firm, that 'communication is always about the other party'. I found this to be unrealistic to say the least, but having given it some thought it stood clear to me that we usually know and grasp our own ideas and motives, but not so much the ideas and motives of others. So by focusing on the other we open up to communication and understanding and by effect good feelings towards each other. By considering others, it has us always weighing our actions against the love we hold for those dear to us. By extending that to all people and all things, we incorporate them into our family of friends. Even our enemies then and those who would wish to harm or even destroy us get treated with the best and kindest consideration possible. This is one of the most important things we can strive for in life and the most valuable one. By unleashing love like that it can drive all our magick and we may still attain all we wish for in

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