Discuss how this term is used in modern Pagan/Wiccan practice and other practices if applicable This term is usually used as a way to direct the moral compass for many Pagans, mostly Wiccans. To many it's a profound rule and to others more of an advice that should be followed when possible and thus can be disregarded when not. It is also cause for much debate and while some people look more to the principle, others dissect it word by word and try to arrive at a conclusion as to whether or not to follow, revere or respect it. As a guiding principle it underlies magickal practice and what Scott Cunningham calls magickal morality for many Wiccans and to others extends into everyday life. It is not used as a moral bat or ruler by which one can strike or measure others. More than a tool to judge and be superior to …show more content…
A friend of mine once said harshly to me, when debating the terms of a contract with a firm, that 'communication is always about the other party'. I found this to be unrealistic to say the least, but having given it some thought it stood clear to me that we usually know and grasp our own ideas and motives, but not so much the ideas and motives of others. So by focusing on the other we open up to communication and understanding and by effect good feelings towards each other. By considering others, it has us always weighing our actions against the love we hold for those dear to us. By extending that to all people and all things, we incorporate them into our family of friends. Even our enemies then and those who would wish to harm or even destroy us get treated with the best and kindest consideration possible. This is one of the most important things we can strive for in life and the most valuable one. By unleashing love like that it can drive all our magick and we may still attain all we wish for in
I am of an opinion that sharing ideas and thoughts is an essential part of communication. It can foster a better understanding of each other and issues promoting respect, confidence and new approaches. In working in a team or with young people it can enable the forming of new relationships creating better working practices and pro change and more productive outcomes.
It defines what we do and what shall not. More specifically, it can be different depends on different people but it allows no exceptions no matter what we are confronted with.
“Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will” - Aleister Crowley
Hello , My name is Connie Lavoie ,I am part of an administration team that helps new beginners in Wicca and Paganism on a Facebook group called Wicca/Pagan Group For Beginners where we share our knowledge ,experiences and researches in order to help others just starting out on a Wicca or Pagan Path . I would like to take this time and talk a little about the Holiday in the Wheel and a Year that many call LUGHNASSADH.
A lesbian recruits a group of girls to act as vigilantes to protect women by exterminating male misogyny.
This term, I feel, is important to know because, as I have said so many times hitherto, it is exceptionally paramount to enlighten yourself on and comprehend certain terms, especially when practicing witchcraft or any sort of ritual, for that matter. One would not be especially happy or comfortable if they were to accept an invitation to a skyclad ritual, thinking and believing it had something to do with praising a moon god or pulling energy from the stars, and find out differently after they have arrived fully clothed and perhaps even have a body
Chapter 5: Make It Safe: How to Make It Safe to Talk about Almost Anything When things go wrong in crucial conversations, we assume the content of our message is the problem, so we begin to water it down or avoid it altogether. But, as long as your intent is pure and you learn how to make it safe for others, you can talk to almost anyone about almost anything. The key is to make the other person feel safe. To do this, there are two things the person needs to know. First, they need to know that you care about their best interests and goals. This is called mutual purpose. Second, they need to know that you care about them. This is called mutual respect. When people believe both of these things, they relax and can absorb what you’re saying; they feel safe. The instant they don’t believe them (and it can happen instantaneously – even with those we have long and loving relationships with), safety breaks down and silence or violence follows. To restore safety in the face of silence or violence, you must restore mutual purpose and respect.
Many followers of this religion are expected to keep their word by swearing to an oath in which they promise to take personal responsibility for their own actions called the nine charges. Heathen ethical ideas have shown many connections to Christian morals and ethics, but the split in many ways. (Snook) While Heathenism stresses personal responsibility, they also have the idea of being free of "spiritual guilt". People should deal directly with the concept of right and wrong, as they see right as doing the best thing, not the “correct” one. This often leads to followers rejecting sin and the need for atonement. Heathen ethics are not a set of rules, but they are viewed as principles to be lived. As Heathens believe in life being too complex for a basic set of rules. (Sheil) These are not the only things Heathens believe can help them receive a better reincarnation, but rituals can also impact their next
The modern pagan movement in the United States originates from a fusion of several philosophical and religious thought patterns including traditional European folklores, esoteric thought, feminism, Western occult beliefs, and rejection of traditional monotheistic religions in Great Britain during the 1950s (Jorgensen, D. L., & Russell, S. E., 1999; Moe, J. L., Cates, K., & Sepulveda, V., 2013). Since spreading to the US in the 1960s paganism has continued its development as a distinct religious philosophy and has become one of the fastest growing religions in North America (Jorgensen, D. L., & Russell, S. E., 1999; Lewis, J. R., & Tollefsen, I. B., 2013; Reid, S. 2005). Because this movement developed relatively recently there has been little quantitative research
Based upon the Paganism practices and beliefs Muck, Netland, and McDermott states, "Paganism involves the creation of a circle, grove, or coven (for witches). These practices are most often performed outside, or at times in a home. Various forces are invited into the circle. As a result, these energies causes transportation." (536) Magic according to Muck, Netland and McDermott is also "a common practice that causes a person will change by introducing trance."(537) The exercises performed by a free will of choice. It seems that a person deceived through a trance.
16: Communication allows us to connect with people around us. It allows us to share ideas, solve problems, and discuss helpful information. Good communication can result in good ideas. In looking at the newspaper articles, we are reminded that it is important to make sure the facts are true and accurate. If decisions will be made in the future based on the past, it is important that the right facts are
In conclusion, communication helps us better understand an individual or situation. Communication enables us to resolve differences, build friendships and trust. Could you imagine the world without communication? Imagine having generations all over the world which would have to learn everything from scratch, this is what would happen without any communication.
According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, it is a systematic study of what is right and wrong. This definition refers to the prehistoric times when men received laws in supernatural circumstances, like the code of Hammurabi and the Ten Commandments. They contained moral codes on human relationship.
While human communication is a complex phenomenon there are general conclusions that can be made after analyzing numerous communication theories. A general conclusion that may be drawn is: reciprocity is necessary to communicate effectively. By analyzing three different theories, one may conclude that the general conclusion is true. The first theory to be analyzed is Coordinated Management of Meaning, an interpersonal theory that explicitly states the necessity of reciprocal communication. The second will then be Communication Accommodation Theory, an intergroup communication theory that explains the mechanics of reciprocity and the positive effects that entail from use of that aspect of communication. The third will then be Spiral of Silence, which will demonstrate how the general conclusion holds true while highlighting what happens when people are not able – or do not wish to – reciprocate in their communication.
Our actions not only affect us but also affect our loved ones; through kindness, we can forgive us; we can bless us with love and affection.