
Modern Feminist Movement Summary

Decent Essays

Feminism erupted in the 1960s, a decade of ferment and turmoil. From The Modern Feminist Movement by Jacqueline Gorman, it is evident that during this time women throughout the United States spoke out against issues of unfairness, discrimination, and unacceptable social situations. The modern women’s movement began during this time. Activist groups like the National Organization for Women were focused on pursuing the rights of women. One powerful labor activist, Esther Peterson, even suggested to the President of the United States to do an investigation on the condition of women in America. The report discovered rampant discrimination against women in many areas of everyday life in America. The government finally understood feminists’ views, and started to appoint orders to propose necessary changes for the benefit of women. …show more content…

For example, Gorman writes about dates in history that are crucial to the feminist movement, while also subtly including her opinions on the matter. The fact that a book written by Betty Friedan, called The Feminine Mystique, was a bestseller in the 1960s is backed up by Gorman’s opinion that the book was “what sparked the modern feminist movement”. The author’s tone is mainly formal throughout the article, which contributes to a mature style. It is set up as broad topic headings with an expansion of details in the paragraph below. The target audience is for high school students, based on the word choice and

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