
Modern Day Fairy Tales

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One day there is a wonderful kingdom and everywhere there is peace, but not for long. Because one day there is a evil army that are attacking villages. The king heard that there were prisoners in a nearby forest so the king took his army and attack the evil army then he saved the people. But one girl was so beautiful that she didn’t have much dirt on her so the king took the girl then married her. The queen kills the king then the queen put Snow White in the tower until she broke out of prison. When she was 18 years old, she went to the town to find food and money but everyone was broke. After that, Snow White went into the forest and she found a little house, but no one was in it when she walked in. She saw that there was weapons, tools, and beds. She was so surprised when she saw all this, but then she heard a sound, then she was trying …show more content…

The queen has taken every beautiful girl to take their beauty but not me though. The dwarfs believed her and offered to help her to defeat the evil witch (queen). Then the queen send these wooden monsters who were attacking the dwarfs and Snow White. The dwarfs were attacking the wooden monsters and when they defeated the monsters, Snow White said “It’s time to destroy this evil witch.” So she got her old army, then they attacked the castle and they got inside. The dwarfs were helping too then Snow White fell in love with a man that was a general in the army. After the big battle the only one that survived was the witch, then after they destroyed a mirror, they saw that it had the witches power in it. The witch was turning really old as soon as they killed the witch. Then Snow White got married with the general and after a few years passed, the mirror had somehow returned. The mirror effected Snow White in a sad way. Her father, the king, was surprised how the mirror

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