
Modern Architecture: Main Concepts Of Architecture, Architecture And Architecture

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Modern Style Modern architectural style Widely considered to be the newest and youngest form of architectural style, this style requires the architects to design structures while considering important features such as function, location site, and environment. This is a very important concept to remember for modern architects. The main function of any building is to define its form; this notion was coined by Louis Sullivan, a mentor to Lloyd Wright. This creates the idea behind the development of modern architectural style. When Lloyd Wright designed his residential house, he actually adhered to the landscape surrounding the home. Keeping in mind of the building site, he designed a home floor plan that matched it. Modern architectural style designers are therefore expected to design their buildings with respect to the functions of the building and the landscape around it. This principle makes all of the buildings assembled through modern architectural style to be unique regardless of the particular architect. The modern architectural style allows the architect to showcase to the world the natural form of the building. This style requires the architects to design buildings with exposed features. Homes modelled based on this style tend to be very aesthetic and comfortable to the residents. The …show more content…

The internal walls tend to be used by architects to create more rooms for other functions apart from the intended use. Modern houses are more flexible compared to both contemporary and traditional houses. The home designs are always built with respect to the topography of the area. The designs of the modern buildings utilize glass walls to connect the exterior and the interior spaces, as well as, the external and internal environments surrounding and within the home. These glass walls are also important because they enable for sharing of natural lighting between the exterior and interior floor

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