
Mo Willems Should I Share My Ice Cream

Decent Essays

An Analysis of “Should I Share My Ice Cream?” By: Mo Willems By: Analyst and Religious Professor at The University of Themes and Plot Studies, Dr. Anya Kathryn Henry Hoffman Barrus The novel “Should I Share My Ice Cream?” by Mo Willems, may seem like a meer comedic novel, directed towards adolescents and juveniles, but it is far more than that. It is packed full of subtext, wit, and symbolism. It is short and sweet, at least on your first read, but the more you analyse it, the more deep it goes. You must read between the lines, and truly figure out what the author, an intellectual, means. It is a true masterpiece of its time, and a bona fide deconstruction of the genre. The central plot of this novel, is that a young lad, Elephant, bought …show more content…

His companion, Piggy represents God. In the beginning Penguin, sells him an ice cream cone, Penguin is an obvious representation of Satan. He plays on Elephant’s desire of a chilling sweet treat when he says “Get your ice cream for a hot day!” After Elephant gets coaxed into purchasing the forbidden fruit, he prepares to eat it, but then he realizes that Piggy may want ice cream too. Elephant thinks so hard about devouring the tasty forbidden treat, and because of his inability to make the right decision, his ice cream treat dissolves. Showing Eve’s foolishness. Throughout the story Elephant switches his side on the matter. The first sign of him wanting to share is on page 10-11, where he asks himself if he should share with her, because Piggy is his best friend. On the next page he monologues about how difficult it will be to make this decision. On pages 17 through 19 he makes up excuses for why Piggy may not delight in this flavor, but then on page 20 he realizes Piggy will delight in this flavor. Because Elephant did not make the morally correct decision of sharing his ice cream, it is melted. This represents man’s fall to sin. But the next time Elephant sees Piggy, she has her own ice cream, and they decide to share the piquant treat. This represents how forgiving God

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