
Mlk Thesis

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Martin Luther King Jr.
Long agony, pain, sorrow, hurtful, angry, and upset. There is no excuse for anyone to ever feel this way, but unfortunately many did. Before and during the Civil Rights movement blacks were treated with great torture. But soon everything was about to change...thanks to one man and his dream. Who is this man? You might be asking, well his name is Martin Luther King Jr. King was a very influential man who was born 1929, graduated from college in 1950, and soon after married, then became a minister of a church, (Martin Luther King JR. Civil Rights Movement/viewpure). But King was different he was a black man, and all like other black people he was treated horridly. He saw the black and white signs for water fountains, restrooms, …show more content…

It started with his dream, a dream “...little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls…” (Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech). Martin wanted all men and women no matter what race to be treated equal, join hands and support, help, and love each other. King gave many speeches and his most famous is “I Have a Dream” stating many different points of why blacks should have equal rights, and he sees the future. He was willing to fight for this future, King would join marches, give speeches, talked on Tv because he had to keep the dream alive. Now, today here we are equal rights for black men and women because of a special …show more content…

“On August 28, 1963, more than 200,000 Americans gathered in Washington, D.C., for a political rally known as the March on Washington... the event was designed to shed light on the political and social challenges African Americans continued to face across the country,” (March on Washington). This event was also when King gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. But the main reason why this march came about was to show others what challenges blacks truly had to face, and Martin talked about how the future will be when the world is finally

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