
Mitch Albom's Tuesdays With Morrie

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Tuesdays with Morrie is a about a young man and his old college professor, Morrie Schwartz, who got reacquainted after many years of lost contact. It all starts with Mitch Albom, one of Morrie’s pupils, who graduated from Brandeis University. Mitch had given a briefcase to his instructor, Morrie, to remember their long history together. They had promised to keep in touch, but failed to honor their promise. After graduation, Mitch had decided that he wanted to be a musician and that this was how he was going to make his living. But after many failed music attempts, Mitch decided that he would become a journalist. It was not only his failed music career which gave him the idea of changing his career path, but also his uncle’s death from pancreatic cancer. …show more content…

During this time, Morrie had been diagnosed with Lou Gherig’s disease, better known as ALS. Morrie had some time to lament about the horrible news, but soon got back on his feet. He started writing down his philosophical teachings and his loved one got them published in the Boston Globe. CNN loved the writing so much that Nightline decided to have a live interview with Morrie. Coincidently, Mitch was flipping through the channels and found Morrie’s live interview. Mitch couldn’t believe that it was him and decided that he wanted to get back in touch with his professor. They had a total of thirteen and a half Tuesdays before Morrie passed away. Within those many meetings on Tuesdays, Morrie had taught Mitch many life lessons that helped him become a better individual—lessons about the present, family, and

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