
Misophonia Argument Paper

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Chewing Is An Issue
People all over the world have sounds that rarely occur that irritate them, like nails on a chalk board, a fork scraping a plate, or car alarms. But sometimes every day sounds that most people barely notice, other people really notice. Some major examples are sounds like chewing, nail tapping, swallowing, and the clicking of a keyboard. These individuals do not notice these sounds more because they want to; their mind automatically detects the sounds and continues to focus on them. These people usually become enraged by the sounds they hear because a switch inside their head has been flipped to activate a negative response. This oversensitivity to small sounds is a mental disorder called Misophonia. It is a …show more content…

Donna McDow, 57, a retired secretary who lives near Los Angeles, would tell people she has a bad headache. “Everybody understands a headache, nobody understands what we have” (Cohen). People think that Misophonics are choosing to let the noises control their life. They think that they are crazy and making up their frustration on their own. It is something they have trained themselves, or been trained by others to do to do or hear. But they are wrong.
Dr. Patty Kalmbach, is a Doctor of Audiology in Denver. She received her Doctorate Degree in Audiology from Pennsylvania College of Optometry's School of Audiology in 2007. She also received her Master of Science Degree in Audiology from Colorado State University in 1987. Dr. Kalmbach is a member of The Misophonia Provider Network. Dr. Kalmbach is a very charming woman, when asked about How she felt about people who think Misophonia is just an over diagnosis, she replied, “I would love to just lock them in a room and play an annoying sound over and over again (like dog's licking or slurping). Just kidding! No seriously, it is all about education.” She informed me that many Physicians and Counselors don't even know about Misophonia. She talked about it is her job as well as those suffering from Misophonia to educate the public about this condition. “The more we get the word out and explain it to people, the more people will recognize this as a true condition.” She also

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