
Misleading Food Labels

Decent Essays

Dr. Nestle and Dr. Ludwig bring up the issue of misleading labels on the front of many packages. Most claims are not proven scientifically but are still being placed on the front packaging of many products. “Front-of-Package Food Labels Public Health of Propaganda,” brings up how the the legislation passed by Congress throughout the 19th century has impacted the FDA’s ability to regulate misleading claims on food labels. The claims on packages affects me because of my culture and lifestyle, especially coming from a Latino working class household. Both my parents work so they don't have time to really decode the nutrition labels thoroughly so whenever they see something that is advertised as healthy they are more likely to buy …show more content…

As well as, many of them not having the knowledge to really understand what a nutrition label is saying. For example, you can look at a soda can’s nutrition label and see that there are 260 calories. But many forget to look at the number of serving per can. This shouldn't be the case, nutrition labels should be easy to comprehend and easy to locate. In addition, these lying labels impact the whole nation. If companies continue to advertise ‘healthy products’ people will continue believing them and buying the products. I agree with Dr. Nestle, “If health claims are allowed on food packages, they should be regulated more strictly according to rigorous, evidence-based national standards.” Companies shouldn't be allowed to exaggerate health claims for example, on a Kellogg’s cereal box there was a claim that the cereal boosted your immune system. This claim was based on the small percentage of antioxidants found in the cereal. In reality, that claim was a lie and instead of helping the immune system it just provides you with sugar. Additionally, we should start encouraging consumers to carefully look at the labels and really take the time to understand what they are eating. Furthermore, promoting the companies that are honest and suggesting to consumers that they stop buying into misleading labels could push the misleading companies to make a change. After all, they are a business and their main priority is making money. So maybe decrease their revenue will bring about

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